Americans cannot afford for President Obama to 'complete' his policies

September 4, 2012

“If I don't have this done in three years, then there’s gonna be a one-term proposition."

President Barack Obama, February 2, 2009


Back-to-school for the president

Asked to grade his performance, President Obama recently said that he would assign an “incomplete” to his administration’s progress in dealing with the 2007-09 recession.  This is curious grading criteria considering the president has presided over the worst unemployment crisis since the Great Depression and slowest recovery since World War II.

Even a scan of recent headlines belies what the president considers effective policies:

  • President Obama: “But what I would say is the steps that we have taken…in making sure that college is more affordable…”

    • “Cost of College Degree in U.S. Soars 12-Fold” Bloomberg, August 15, 2012
    • “Student Subsidies of Classmates’ Tuition Add to Anger over Rising College Costs” NBC News, August 29, 2012
  • President Obama: “…investing in clean energy and science and technology and research…”
    • “Report: Energy Department scrambled to justify letting Solyndra’s private backers recoup losses before taxpayers” Washington Examiner, July 30, 2012
    • “Federal Spending on Clean Energy Falls Short on Jobs, but Wind and Solar Advance” Kansas City Star, August 12, 2012
  • President Obama: “…in saving the auto industry…”
    • “Obama’s $25 Billion Government Motors Lemon” Investors Business Daily, August 14, 2012
    • “General Motors is Headed for Bankruptcy—Again” Forbes, August 15, 2012


  • The millions of Americans struggling to make ends meet in the Obama economy might not grade as generously as the president when it comes to the PASS/FAIL referendum on his first term in November.



House Republicans have a Plan for America’s Job Creators—it’s time for the President and Senate Democrats to stop blocking our bipartisan jobs bills, such as the dozens of bills passed in the House that would provide relief from record amounts of red tape.  Highlights include the REINS Act, repeal of President Obama’s federal takeover of healthcare law, and the Entrepreneur Access to Capital Act.  The Wall Street Journal called our efforts, “the largest overhaul of the rule-making process and larger administrative state since Ronald Reagan, and perhaps longer.”

Additionally, House Republicans have lead where the president and Senate Democrats will not by passing legislation to stop the tax hike on American families and small businesses.  To solve the impending tax crisis, House Republicans voted to approve the Job Protection and Recession Prevention Act, which would block the president’s looming tax hike because no one should have to pay higher taxes during the greatest unemployment crisis since the Great Depression. In addition, House Republicans passed the first-ever legislative vehicle to expedite comprehensive tax reform that will make the code fairer, flatter and simpler while empowering our nation’s businesses to compete with their global rivals.

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