Medicare on Main Street: More Bad Poll Numbers for the President

December 16, 2011

A new December NBC/Wall Street Journal survey of adults reveals that the President’s government takeover of healthcare law remains unpopular. 

The survey shows 41 percent of respondents believe the law was a bad idea compared to only 34 percent who believe otherwise.  Moreover, 46 percent favor eliminating the law altogether compared to only 25 percent who strongly oppose eliminating the law and 15 percent who not so strongly oppose eliminating it. 

It’s also worth noting only 11 percent of respondents believe passing the law is the most positive accomplishment of the Obama Administration while more (13 percent) believe the law is President Obama’s biggest failure; trailing only his inability to improve economic conditions (24 percent), increasing government spending (18 percent), and not providing strong leadership (16 percent).

And these results come on the heels of the Kaiser Family Foundation’s most recent poll.

In the Kaiser poll, fifty-nine percent of respondents said the Medicare program will be worse off or will experience no difference under the President's government takeover of healthcare law compared to only 22 percent who believe the Medicare program will be better off.  When asked specifically about seniors, 57 percent said seniors will be either worse off or will experience no difference while only 32 percent believe seniors will be better off under the law.

The precipitous decline in “better off” responses since the Kaiser poll first asked these questions is worth consideration.  In September 2009, 46 percent of respondents said seniors would be better off under the (future) law.  Now?  Only 32 percent believe so; a 30 percent decline.  In August 2009, 38 percent of respondents said the Medicare program would be better off under the (future) law.  Now?  Only 22 percent believe so; a 42 percent decline.


Key Take-Aways

  • A plurality of Americans believe the President’s government takeover of healthcare law was a bad idea.
  • A plurality of Americans also favor eliminating the law altogether.
  • More Americans believe the President’s law is his biggest failure rather than his most positive accomplishment.













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