ICYMI: Chairman Hensarling Floor Remarks

December 20, 2011

WASHINGTON- House Republican Conference Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) spoke on the floor of the House of Representatives today in support of extending tax relief for hardworking Americans for a full year. He also insisted that Congressional Democrats put duty before convenience and meet Republicans in a conference committee to resolve the differences between the House and Senate’s respective legislation in order to ensure certainty for workers, families, and job creators this Christmas season. 

Hensarling on why we are here: 

“We are here today because the president’s economic policies have failed.  Since the president was elected, unemployment has been at, near, or above 9 percent.  One in seven is on food stamps.  Small business startups are about at a 17-year low. That’s the Obama Economy.  And because of that … almost every single Member of the House and Senate agree that we should extend the payroll tax holiday for another year.” 

On the bipartisan House bill to extend tax relief for a full year: 

“House Republicans have passed a good and reasonable bill. It’s one year. It does what the president asked us to do. It does what the American people asked us to do. It’s actually paid for. It doesn’t increase the deficit. And it blocks tax increases.” 

On what the Democrats are saying: 

“Our president has said, ‘It would be inexcusable for Congress not to further extend this middle class tax cut for the rest of the year.’ He didn’t say 60 days—he said ‘the rest of the year.’ The Democratic Leader has said that she intends to ‘fight to extend the provisions for a full year.’” 

“I hear my friends on the other side of the aisle say, ‘Middle income families deserve this thousand dollar tax cut,’ yet they’re only willing to vote for $160. Then they say, ‘We have to pass it today, we can’t let New Years day come without passing this,’ yet they won’t appoint anybody to a conference committee, and everyone is getting ready to run to the airport.” 

On the points of contention: 

“The question is: Are we going to do it for a full year or are we going to punt the ball down the field and once again disappoint the American people?” 

“Are my friends on the other side of the aisle … interested in making a law that will help American families and hardworking taxpayers, or are they interested in making a campaign issue that they can recycle every 60 days?” 

A Conference Committee to Reach a Deal: Republicans are Ready, Democrats are Refusing 

The American people, many of whom are suffering because of this economy, are willing to work over the holidays. … The House is willing to work. The question is: Where is the Senate?” 

“All we’re asking is that the Democrats will appoint conferees and negotiate in good faith. Except the Senate Democrat Leader said he wouldn’t do it; the House Democrat Leader said she wouldn’t do it.” 

“We stand ready. We just can’t do our job if the Senate Democratic Leader refuses to appoint anybody, if the House Democratic Leader refuses to appoint anybody to sit down and negotiate in good faith. I’m sorry it’s inconvenient for my friends on the other side of the aisle to work during the holidays.” 

“We ought to pass laws that actually work around here” 

“ABC News reported last night, ‘Holiday Passed by Senate, Pushed by President, Cannot be Implemented Properly Experts Say.’” 

“The National Payroll Reporting Consortium that handles payroll for about a third of the private economy said [a two-month extension] ‘could create substantial problems, confusion and cost affecting a significant percentage of U.S. employers and employees.’” 

The Associated Builders and Contractors—the people who actually go out and build things in America—have said, ‘this sort of temporary fix underscores Congress’ uneven, ad hoc approach toward the economy, and causes more harm than good for America’s job creators.’” 

“I hear from job creators from my own district in Kaufman County, Texas:  ‘The two month extension is more hassle than a help. It’s impossible to budget and plan for an unknown.’” 

Final message to the Democrats: Come back to work! 

“Since the dawn of the republic, [conference committees] are how differences are settled between the House and the Senate. If you don’t remember your Civics 101, maybe if you have small children like I do, you can go back and watch the ‘School House Rock’ video.”

“It really comes down to this: If you say you want to [extend tax relief] for a year, put your vote where your rhetoric is. If you’re not willing to work over the holidays, admit to the American people you aren’t willing to work over the holidays.”


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