Hensarling Statement on First Anniversary of House GOP "Pledge to America"

September 23, 2011

Hensarling: “One year later the debate is different, the conversation has changed, and House Republicans are working each day to stop the Obama administration’s job-crushing agenda.”

WASHINGTON – House Republican Conference Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) issued the following statement today to recognize the first anniversary of the House Republican Majority’s “Pledge to America.” 

“The Pledge to America was launched as a mission to change the culture of Washington that left our nation in an unprecedented debt and unemployment crisis.  We started this Congress by cutting our own budget and voting to repeal the government takeover of health care.  Over the last nine months, House Republicans have changed the discussion in Washington from ‘how much can we spend’ to ‘how much can we cut.’  In August, we forced President Obama to sign legislation into law that will, for the first time since World War II, cut discretionary spending for two years in a row.  And for the first time in 15 years we will vote on a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution that will permanently change the way Washington spends taxpayers’ money. 

“One year later the debate is different, the conversation has changed, and House Republicans are working each day to stop the Obama administration’s job-crushing agenda.  But times are still very tough for Americans who are struggling to find jobs, and our work is not finished.  Our mission is restoring job growth, reviving our economy, and reversing our spending-driven debt crisis, but Democrats continue to fight us every step of the way.  House Republicans are outnumbered in Washington, and while we may never get the kind of policies the next generation deserves while President Obama and Senator Harry Reid are in charge, our pledge to America continues.”


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