Hensarling Statement on Latest Unemployment Report

September 2, 2011

WASHINGTON – House Republican Conference Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) issued the following statement today regarding the latest unemployment report released by the U.S. Department of Labor.

“Today’s job numbers are a big disappointment but come as little surprise. As long as the president stands in the way of policies that will grow the economy and bring job creators confidence, there simply won’t be enough jobs for American workers to replace all the millions that have been lost. 

“With unemployment now surpassing 8 percent for 31 straight months, the American people deserve a new direction.  As President Obama prepares to speak to the nation about our jobs crisis, I hope he will take this opportunity to move past proposing more short-term stimulus measures and offer policies to remove the barriers of uncertainty and to help job creators do their job by getting the government out of the way. 

“Since this year began, House Republicans have put forth measure after measure to control wasteful spending and end job-killing regulations, only to see them stall in the Democrat-controlled Senate. By ignoring these reforms, the president and the Senate continue to miss the opportunity to bring severely-needed confidence back to our economy. 

“The path to job creation is clear: we must address excessive spending, taxation, and regulation that is destroying confidence in our economy and keeping job creators from hiring. A real recovery will not occur unless Washington commits to a real solution to our spending-driven debt crisis. 

“The only way to permanently force the federal government to live within its means is to pass a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution.  When Congress reconvenes next week, House Republicans will continue to rally support for a balanced budget amendment and take up further legislation to restore jobs, hope, and opportunity for the American people.”


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