Hensarling Statement on Latest Jobs Report & State of the Economy

June 3, 2011

“The Obama recovery is failing and the American people are paying the price.”

WASHINGTON – House Republican Conference Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) issued the following statement today regarding the latest jobs report released by the U.S. Department of Labor and the overall state of the U.S. economy. 

“Today’s news is further confirmation that the economy is not growing fast enough or strong enough to replace all the jobs that have been lost on this administration’s watch. The Obama recovery is failing and the American people are paying the price. The longer this president takes to reverse course and develop a plan to end our spending-driven debt crisis, the longer Americans will suffer. It’s time for leadership, not empty rhetoric. 

“It seems that every day the headlines bring about more and more bad news. Gas prices have increased by 113 percent since President Obama took office. More than 44 million Americans are receiving food stamps – that’s 14 percent of the population and by far the largest number in history.  Economists are warning our leaders about the devastating affect a naked debt limit increase would have on private sector job creation. Job creators are anxious and uncertain about the future, and unable to hire new employees.  

“When Americans needed a jobs plan, President Obama and the Democrat-controlled Congress gave them a spending plan. The job seeker can’t be helped when the job creator is punished with the prospect of higher taxes to pay off our record high debt. 

“Job number one for House Republicans is creating jobs for the American people. Ending our spending-driven debt crisis, removing regulatory burdens, making America more competitive and creating a simpler, flatter, and fairer tax code will help our economy grow and the private sector create jobs. It’s time for the president to join us in empowering, not burdening, our nation’s small businesses, families, and entrepreneurs.”


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