Air Force Magazine

Daily Report

This Month in Air Force Magazine

     Editorial: Five Months To Heal a Rift
     Hot Present, Uncertain Future
     What’s Next for the AEF
     The Weapons School Way
     2012 Outstanding Airmen of the Year
     Airpower Classics: C-5 Galaxy
     ...and more inside.

Notes from AFA
     Courage, Gen. Loh op-ed
August 25, 2012 -- AFA members, Congressional staff members, civic leaders, DOCA members, the Air Force has just released its latest “Portraits in Courage.” The Portraits in Courage series highlights...More

     AFA National Convention and Conference
August 11, 2012 -- With AFA's 2012 National Convention and Air & Space Conference and Technology Exposition just six weeks away, you can expect things to be quite busy around these spaces...More

     New CSAF, Sequestration and Defense Budget
August 4, 2012 -- AFA members, Congressional staff members, civic leaders, DOCA members, earlier this week, we officially said farewell to Mike Dunn as AFA's President and CEO. He served AFA and the nation superbly...More

     Final note
July 28, 2012 -- AFA members, Congressional staff members, civic leaders, DOCA members, this will be my last note to you. I depart my AFA position at the end of the month...More


Previous Notes from the President

Discover AFA
Discover more about the Air Force Association through testimonials on education, advocacy and support.


Latest from AFA
    Recap: AFA’s 2012 National Convention and Air & Space Conference and Technology Exposition
    AFA Announces New President
     Air Force Research Laboratory Joins CyberPatriot as Cyber Silver Sponsor
     AFA Announces 2012 National Aerospace Awards
     CyberPatriot Designates Spokane School District “Center of Excellence”


Previous Press Releases

Legislative Update

This Week In Airpower History
    Thursday, September 29, 1938 -- Brig. Gen. Henry H. "Hap" Arnold is named Chief of Army Air Corps, succeeding Maj. Gen. Oscar Westover, who was killed in an airplane crash Sept. 21.
    Friday, September 30, 1949 -- The Berlin Airlift, gradually reduced since May 12, 1949, officially ends. Results show 2,343,301.5 tons of supplies carried on 277,264 flights. US planes carried 1,783,826 tons.
    Wednesday, October 02, 1918 -- The first test flight of the Kettering Aerial Torpedo is carried out at Dayton, Ohio. Nicknamed "Bug," the Aerial Torpedo is the world's first guided missile and is a precursor to modern day cruise missiles.
    Friday, October 04, 1957 -- The space age begins when the Soviet Union launches Sputnik 1, the world's first artificial satellite, into Earth orbit.
Page last updated: Wednesday, September 26, 2012 12:34:24 PM



AFA is a non-profit, independent, professional military and aerospace education association. Our mission is to promote a dominant United States Air Force and a strong national defense, and to honor Airmen and our Air Force Heritage. To accomplish this, we: EDUCATE the public on the critical need for unmatched aerospace power and a technically superior workforce to ensure U.S. national security. ADVOCATE for aerospace power and STEM education. SUPPORT the total Air Force family, and promote aerospace education.


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