U.S. Department of Justice

Online Curriculum Packages

Each title is provided as a complete curriculum. In addition to lesson plans and participant materials, courses may include slide shows, handouts, and tests.

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Recommended Reading

Date Title Type
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Designing Learner Centered Instruction
By Gurnell, Betty; LeMaster, Leslie. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
A seven-step process for developing and designing a training program according to the ITIP (instructional theory into practice) format is described. Curriculum developers will be taught to create programs that will: teach state-of-the-art information and skills based upon needs assessment analysis; employ learner-centered technologies; help participants succeed with realistic performance objectives; facilitate the transfer of learning to the job setting; promote consistency between training prog... Read More
20 p.
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Group Facilitation Skills for Trainers
By Yeres, Susan; Collins, Barbara. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). ETR Associates (Santa Cruz, CA); National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
This 16-hour course explores the skills needed in leading group participants to achieve specific learning goals. The following modules are contained in this curriculum:
  • Introduction and course overview;
  • How we process learning;
  • Predicting and accommodating learner behavior;
  • Setting the climate;
  • Utilizing facilitation strategies for learning;
  • Dealing with conflicts in groups;
  • And presentations.
Also included are copies of overheads used.... Read More
approximately 300 pages
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Investigating Allegations of Staff Sexual Misconduct with Inmates [Lesson Plans]
By McCampbell, Susan W.; Layman, Elizabeth P.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Center for Innovative Public Policies, Inc. (Tamarac, FL).
A curriculum to address the needs of those who investigate allegations of staff sexual misconduct is presented. The following sections are contained in this manual: defining staff sexual misconduct and an overview of the national scope; legal considerations; institutional culture and staff/inmate dynamics; proactive investigative framework; responding to allegations; and activity booklet and action planning.... Read More
232 p. + computer disks (5+8); 3 1/2 in.
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Pensar en un Cambio: Programa Intigrado de Cambio Cognitivo-Conductivo [La Leccion Planea]
By Bush, Jack; Glick, Barry; Taymans, Juliana. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
El programa, Pensar en un Cambio, tiene como centro, un programa de resolucion de problemas detallada con ambas intervenciones de restructuracion cognitiva y habilidades sociales. El formato del programa se comprende de zz lecciones con una capacidad de extender el programs endefinidamente, dependiendo de la cantidad de habilidades cognitivas [cognitive] ensenadas. Suplementos: fichas, transparencias, folletos, cuadros, y los suplementos para el instructor.... Read More
347 p. + 1 computer disk; CD-ROM
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Preventing and Addressing Staff Sexual Misconduct In Community Corrections: A Training Program for Agency Administrators
By Layman, Elizabeth Price; McCampell, Susan W.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Center for Innovative Public Policies, Inc. (Naples, FL).
The knowledge, skills, and tools needed to address staff sexual misconduct in community corrections are provided during this 24-hour training program. This course is comprised of six modules: an overview on staff sexual misconduct; professional boundaries, ethics, and culture; policies and procedures; investigations; legal issues for community corrections; and prevention. The "Policy Development Guide" answers the question "How do I know if my agency needs a policy?" and provides direction on h... Read More
411 pages
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Sentencing Women Offenders: A Training Curriculum for Judges [Lesson Plans]
By Cicero, June H.; DeCostanzo, Elaine T.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). National Association of Women Judges (Washington, DC); National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC).
Intervention effectiveness can be improved by understanding how women respond to sanctions. This 6-hour course addressed sentencing practices in relation to female offenders through the following modules: why focus on women offenders?; the judicial response to the woman offender; who women offenders are; what works, what is in place, and what do programs in the represented jurisdictions offer?; sanctioning the woman offender; what do we have and what do we need?; and wrap-up session and evaluati... Read More
92 p.
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Sex Offender Treatment Skills for Corrections Professionals [Distance Learning Training Program: Videoconference Held March 12-15, 2001]
National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
Effective assessment, treatment, and management of incarcerated sex offenders are enhanced by this 36-hour distance learning event. The content of this training program is divided into five sections: characteristics of sex offenders and treatment programs (what works/what doesn't work); comprehensive psycho-sexual assessment; treatment issues, such as sex offender treatment vs. traditional treatment, denial/cognitive distortion and empathy, stages of change and interviewing strategies, social a... Read More

1 Data DVD (591 min.)
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Staff Supervision Training for Corrections Professionals [Distance Learning Training Program: Videoconference Held September 13-16, 1999]
By Young, Cheryl Brown, ed.. National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
Becoming a first line supervisor involves many changes and challenges. This 28-hour course, originally delivered as a distance learning event, introduces ideas, insights, and perspectives that will immediately impact supervision effectiveness. Modules include: building blocks of supervision (what is a supervisor and supervisory competencies); personal competencies (vision and values and principled behavior); organizational context (mission and culture and working with stakeholders); supervisory ... Read More

3 video DVDs (532 min.) + 1 CD
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Training for Trainers: Managing Youthful Offenders in Adult Institutions [Lesson Plans and Participant's Manual]
National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
Training for those individuals who educate agency/institutional staff on how to design and develop effective systems to manage young offenders is provided during this 36-hour course. This curriculum contains sections regarding: orientation and introduction; foundations of adolescent development; curriculum overview; tools and techniques -- parts I and II; student presentations; and implementation planning.... Read More
2 v. (v. 1 - 206 p., v. 2 - 164 p.)
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