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Federal, State, and Local

Wind energy and government intersect at many levels, including regulations, policy, and developable public lands. Wind Powering America provides information about job creation and economic development which can inform policy decisions and incentive conversations. Similarly, Wind Powering America maintains links and summaries of activities at the local, state, and regional levels, as well as other objective information regarding the impacts of wind energy development.

Economic Development

Achieving the goals of the Wind Powering America initiative during the next 20 years will create $60 billion in capital investment, provide $1.2 billion in new income, and create 80,000 new jobs. Wind energy is the fastest-growing energy source in the world. The economic development page provides publications and a software model that calculates economic impacts from wind projects.


Wind development activity in the United States is mainly driven by policy mandates in the investor-owned utility community. The policy pages provide information about how federal and state policies play an important role in wind energy development.

Public Lands

Millions of acres of public lands, especially in the western United States, provide new potential sites for wind turbines. The public lands pages discuss assessing the potential for renewable energy on public lands.

Public Power

Public power serves local communities, and local development of wind with low-cost financing appears to be competitive with new conventional fossil energy. The public power pages provide news about public-owned utilities, electric cooperatives, and federal utilities.

Regional Activities

Learn more about regional activities in New England.

State Activities

Wind Powering America supports states with good wind resources but little wind development. State pages provide information such as anemometer loan program information, Wind Working Group contacts, a small wind consumer's guide, a wind resource map, news, events, and publications.

State Lands

Wind Powering America provides assistance to states that are interested in wind development.


Choosing a proper site for a wind turbine or wind farm is critical to a successful project. This section provides resources about wind turbine siting.