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Social Security Online
Government to Government Services Online
Online Services Availability
Monday - Friday: 5am - 1am ET
Saturday: 5am - 11pm ET
Sunday: 8am - 11:30pm ET
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Welcome to Government to Government Services Online

Government to Government Services Online (GSO) is a suite of applications enabling governmental organizations and authorized individuals to conduct business with and submit confidential information to the Social Security Administration. You must be registered to use any service included in the GSO suite of applications.

Attention All GSO Users

Government to Government Services Online will be unavailable from Saturday October 6 at 1:00am ET until Monday October 8 at 5:00am ET for data center maintenance.

GSO Information
Government to Government Services
Birth and Death Reporting
A mechanism for state and jurisdiction bureaus of vital statistics to submit birth and death information to SSA.
Fugitive Felon Reporting
Fugitive Felon reporting provides a mechanism for law enforcement agencies to submit arrest warrant information to SSA. Outstanding felony warrants and parole/probation violation warrants may lead to the suspension of social security benefits and SSI payments.
Interim Assistance Reimbursement
A mechanism for state agencies to report to SSA the amount of state or local assistance the agencies paid to individuals who are now eligible for SSI payments. SSA will reimburse the agencies from the beneficiary’s SSI back payments for the amount of assistance they paid. The states have a maximum of 25 days after SSI eligibility to submit the assistance amount before SSA pays the back payments, per SSA rules, to the beneficiary.
Prisons Reporting
Prison reporting provides a mechanism for correctional institutions to submit inmate information to SSA. Legislation requires SSA to stop paying benefits while social security beneficiaries are confined for specific periods of time.
Office of Child Support Enforcement Reporting: FPLS, New Hire, and Quarterly Wage
A mechanism for registered federal agencies to submit information to the Office of Child Support Enforcement.
Black Lung Part B and C Reporting
A mechanism for the Department of Labor to submit Black Lung Part B and Part C information to SSA.
Sheltered Workshop
A mechanism for Sheltered Workshop employers to submit monthly earnings reports to SSA Field Offices for SSI recipients who work for them.
Totalization Death Data Exchange
A mechanism for Totalization partner countries to exchange beneficiary death information with SSA.
Pension Benefits Guaranty Corp Upload
A mechanism for the Pension Benefits Guaranty Corp. (PBGC) to submit pension plan information to SSA.
A mechanism for the SSA Office of the Inspector General to upload law enforcement agency updates from the FBI to the Fugitive Reporting Agreement Tracking System (FRATS).
If you need assistance with passwords, system access, or other problems or questions about Government to Government Services Online, please contact GSO via e-mail:
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Last reviewed or modified Tuesday Dec 21, 2010
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