
Sigonella schedules early-bird kick-off

Anyone planning to attend the first game of the high school football season Saturday in Sigonella should set an alarm clock.

After having to suspend their football program for their final three games last season because of a lack of players, the revived Sigonella Jaguars will have 19 players or so suited up when they kick off at 9 a.m. Saturday against the visiting 2011 Division III champions from Rota.

“We are starting at 9 a.m. to avoid the heat,” Sigonella athletic director Michelle Chandler emailed Thursday in explanation of the earlier-than-usual kickoff, adding that it’s probably for just this one game.

After a summer which saw Sigonella's high temperatures consistently hit the mid-90s, Air Force weather forecasters are projecting a high of 86 degrees in Sicily on Saturday. The Jaguars, however, are taking no chances. And besides, the early start will allow plenty of time for game-goers to go to the beach on Saturday afternoon, while the rest of us eat our hearts out.







About the Author

Rusty is a sports writer in Europe.