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Geospatial Line of Business

The Geospatial LoB aims to further refine the opportunities for optimizing and consolidating Federal geospatial-related investments to reduce the cost of government and, at the same time, improve services to citizens. Cross-agency coordination of geospatial activities can identify, consolidate, and reduce or eliminate redundant geospatial investments. Developing the Geospatial Line of Business (LOB) will result in a more coordinated approach to producing, maintaining, and using geospatial data, and will ensure sustainable participation from Federal partners to establish a collaborative model for geospatial-related activities and investments.

Managing Partner: Ivan DeLoatch,

Public Documents

These documents have been developed to guide the Geospatial Line of Business Task Force in establishing solutions and priorities for participating members in support of this E-Government Initiative.


Resources and Publications

Geospatial LoB Workgroups

Workgroups – designated teams working on a specific task identified by the Geospatial Line of Business Taskforce
  • Joint Business Case - Aligns the Joint Business Case (Exhibit 300) to the Geospatial LoB including: agency contributions, tasks, and task modifications.
  • Performance Management - Provides the mechanism for reporting and accountability within the Geospatial LoB to foster the completion of objectves.
  • Grants and Contracts - Develops common grants language for geospatial information and services as well as for Federal geospatial contracts.
  • Common Services - Evaluates and expands cross-agency procurement opportunities related to geospatial services and data sharing.
  • Lifecycle Management - Evaluates existing geospatial data lifecycle frameworks and develops standard processes for improved lifecycle management.
  • Geo-Enabled Business - Assist federal program managers and executives to identify their geo-enabled business needs, capabilities and opportunities.
  • Technical Architecture - Develops geospatial requirements and recommendations for technology and telecommunications infrastructure.
Last Updated: Dec 16, 2011 06:06 PM
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