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Community Preparedness Webinar Series

Back to School Youth Preparedness Projects

Recorded August 15, 2012 

View Webinar Recording

Download PowerPoint Presentation (32-page PDF)


On August 15, FEMA’s Individual and Community Preparedness Division and presented a FREE Webinar about youth preparedness activities – just in time for back-to-school season! Our speakers discussed ideas for preparing schools, children and youth in your communities with a creative project or event during National Preparedness Month this September and beyond. We also discussed our new School Preparedness Toolkit.

Featured Speakers

Joseph McKenna, Research Specialist for the Texas School Safety Center, discussed building a go/emergency kit in a classroom and engaging students in the development and understanding of emergency plans.  He talked about activities that are fun, engaging and deliver the message of preparedness.

Lisa Janak, Public Information Officer for the Georgia Emergency Management Agency, discussed the back to school activities they have planned for National Preparedness Month, including an art, video and essay contest, as well as their Kids Preparedness Kit.

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