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University of Massachusetts Medical School - Shrewsbury campus
222 Maple Ave, Chang 102
Shrewsbury MA , 01545-2732

NER Connects Webinar Series

Contact: Mark Goldstein and Michelle Eberle, Myrna Morales, and Javier Crespo
Contact: 508-856-5964 - http://nnlm.gov/ner/ - North Atlantic region
This is an ongoing monthly series presented by coordinators from the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, New England Region (NN/LM NER), along with guest speakers.
CE Contact Hours: 1 per session • e-Learning, Hands-on, Specialization, RML Offerings about Assessment/Evaluation, Consumer Health, Electronic Resources, Evidence Based Health Care, Expert Searching, Health Care Informatics, Leadership, NLM Databases, Outreach/Advocacy, Subject Specific Resources, Teaching/Instruction, Technology/Systems, Web Design
Lecture, Demonstration, Slides, Panel Discussion, Discussion, Dialog, and Brainstorming.
National Network of Libraries of Medicine, South Central Region
1133 John Freeman Blvd.
Houston TX , 77030

Food for Thought: Exploring Nutrition Resources

Contact: Cheryl Rowan
Contact: 713-799-7880 - South Central region
This hands-on, in-person class is designed to assist librarians, public health workers, health professionals, and the general public in locating authoritative information on nutrition and topics relating to nutrition. Background information on the importance of nutrition information to other health-related topics will be included, and resources for locating nutrition-related statistics and evidence-based practice will also be identified.
CE Contact Hours: 3 or 4 • Hands-on, RML Offerings about Consumer Health, Electronic Resources, NLM Databases
Lecture, Demonstration, Discussion, and Hands-on Exercises.
University of Maryland, Baltimore
601 W. Lombard St.
Baltimore MD , 21201

Beyond the SEA

Contact: David Midyette
Contact: 410-706-2855 Fax: 410-706-0099 - http://nnlm.gov/sea/services/webconf/index.html - Mid-Atlantic region
Beyond the SE/A is a monthly webinar from the Southeastern/Atlantic Regional Medical Library of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM SE/A). Speakers cover different topics of interest to health science librarians, health care practitioners, librarians, and other health focused groups in the region. Topics include new and updated National Library of Medicine (NLM) resources, RML Awardee presentations on their research and outreach programs, Disaster Resources, Electronic Health Records, and many others related to health science and health care. All sessions are online webinars using Adobe Connect, which allows for live phone conversation and online chat. Beyond the SE/A sessions are held on the Third Wednesday of every month at Noon (ET) and last an hour. Sessions are recorded, closed captioned, and made available for later viewing.
CE Contact Hours: 1 • e-Learning, RML Offerings about Assessment/Evaluation, Consumer Health, Disaster Preparedness, Electronic Resources, Evidence Based Health Care, Expert Searching, Health Care Informatics, Leadership, Management, New Librarian, NLM Databases, Outreach/Advocacy, Publishing, Reference Resources & Services, Research, Subject Specific Resources, Teaching/Instruction, Technical Services, Technology/Systems
Lecture, Demonstration, Slides, Panel Discussion, Discussion, Case Study, and Other.
National Network of Libraries of Medicine
South Central Region
1133 John Freeman Blvd
Houston TX , 77030

Grants and Proposal Writing

Contact: Michelle Malizia and Karen Vargas, Michelle Eberle, and Other RML Staff
Contact: 713-799-7880 Fax: 713-790-7030 - http://nnlm.gov/training/grants/ - South Central region
This class, designed for beginning proposal writers, will teach you how to apply for funding opportunities. Each component of the grant writing process will be addressed, including: documenting the need; identifying the target population; writing measurable objectives; developing a work plan; an evaluation plan and dissemination plan.
CE Contact Hours: 2, 3, 3.5 & 4 • e-Learning, RML Offerings about Consumer Health, Management, Outreach/Advocacy
Lecture and Discussion.
2 Democracy Plaza, Suite 510
6707 Democracy Boulevard MSC 5467
Bethesda MD , 20892-5467

TOXNET and Beyond: Using the National Library of Medicine's Environmental Health and Toxicology Portal

Contact: Shannon Jordan and Laura Bartlett, Rebecca Brown, Sharon Brown, and Sharon Dennis
Contact: 301.496.5856 Fax: 301.480.3537 - http://sis.nlm.nih.gov/enviro.html - All region
This course is designed to convey the basics of searching the NLM's TOXNET, a Web-based system of databases in the areas of toxicology, environmental health, and related areas. The course will also teach students to utilize NLM's environmental health and toxicology portal which provides resources beyond the TOXNET databases. Students will learn the content and structure of files covering toxicology data, toxicology literature, toxic releases, and chemical nomenclature. Among the databases highlighted will be TOXLINE, the Hazardous Substances Data Bank, the Integrated Risk Information System, the Toxics Release Inventory, and ChemIDplus. The course, taught by NLM instructors, will be conducted in a computer lab and includes lectures, online demonstration, and hands-on exercises.
CE Contact Hours: 6 • Face to Face, Hands-on, RML Offerings about Consumer Health, Electronic Resources, NLM Databases
Lecture, Demonstration, Sharing/Self-disclosure, and Hands-on Exercises.
UCLA Biomedical Library
12-077 Center for the Health Sciences, Box 951798
Los Angeles CA , 90095

Health & Wellness @ the Library: The Essentials of Providing Consumer Health Service

Contact: Kelli Ham
Contact: 310-825-1984 Fax: 310-825-5389 - http://nnlm.gov/psr - Southern California and Arizona region
Whether it is a curious consumer or a patient with a recent serious diagnosis, are you well- prepared when a person turns to the library for help in understanding their health questions? This course covers all aspects of consumer health information services, beginning with using statistics and health indicators to understand the health status and information needs of the community. This will be followed by introduction to the essential skills and information that library staff members need to provide unbiased reference services to diverse users. Students will learn about the best resources for general and complex health questions, in addition to collection development practices for consumer health materials. Students will learn about mobile health technologies and social networking for health information. The course will show how to create relevant, informative health-related programming to reach specific populations based on community demographics and health information needs.
CE Contact Hours: 4, 12 • Face to Face, e-Learning, Hands-on, Specialization, RML Offerings about Consumer Health
Lecture, Slides, Discussion, Sharing/Self-disclosure, Hands-on Exercises, and Other.
Nat'l Network of Libraries of Medicine Greater Midwest Region
1750 W. Polk St., M/C 763
Chicago IL , 60612

Making a Difference in Health Care: Patient Safety, a Global Issue with National and International Solutions

Contact: Holly Burt and Affra Al Shamsi
Contact: 312-996-2464 - All region
This interactive seminar focuses on ways librarians can become more involved in patient safety programs and activities within their institutions and organizations and can provide appropriate resources for health professionals, researchers, administration and staff, and for patients and families. Topics include the international breadth of this subject; understanding definitions and issues related to medical error; locating where patient safety practices and contacts exist within an institution; identifying focused resources; and the librarian as a patient and health care advocate. These four hours of lecture, discussion and brainstorming will help librarians in all fields become effective agents for improving health care in their institutions and our world.
CE Contact Hours: 4 • Face to Face, RML Offerings about Consumer Health, Electronic Resources, Evidence Based Health Care, Outreach/Advocacy, Reference Resources & Services
Lecture, Slides, Discussion, Brainstorming, and Sharing/Self-disclosure.

RML Rendezvous

Contact: Nikki Dettmar
Contact: 206-543-3409 - http://nnlm.gov/pnr/training/RMLrendezvous.html - Pacific Northwest region
RML Rendezvous is a monthly webcast series presented by the National Network of Libraries of Medicine Pacific Northwest Region(NN/LM PNR) coordinators and guest speakers. Each month a different topic, which may include one or more databases from the National Library of Medicine (NLM) and other resources of interest to those serving health information needs, is highlighted. Each session includes objectives, assessment questions, and evaluation following the presentation. All sessions are presented as online webcasts using Adobe Connect, allowing for live phone conversation and online chat. Topics in 2013 include: PubMed, toxicology resources, and health literacy. All sessions are recorded with closed captioning and archived at http://nnlm.gov/pnr/training/RMLrendezvous.html
CE Contact Hours: 1 • e-Learning, RML Offerings about Assessment/Evaluation, Consumer Health, Disaster Preparedness, Electronic Resources, Evidence Based Health Care, Expert Searching, Health Care Informatics, NLM Databases, Outreach/Advocacy, Publishing, Reference Resources & Services, Research, Subject Specific Resources, Teaching/Instruction, Technology/Systems
Lecture, Demonstration, Slides, Discussion, Dialog, and Brainstorming.
UCLA Biomedical Library
12-077 CHS, Box 951798
Los Angeles CA , 90095-1798

Making PubMed Work for You

Contact: Kay Deeney and Other RML Staff
Contact: 310.206.0525 Fax: 310.825.5389 - http://nnlm.gov/training/work/ - All region
This class is intended to hone basic searching techniques and the ability to develop search strategies that will take advantage of the PubMed interface to MEDLINE. The course will explore various methods for searching the PubMed system. Topics covered include using MeSH and search qualifiers, limiting search results, and refining your search. This course will provide an indepth view of the system and demonstrate utilizing the features of PubMed to search effectively. The 3.5 version of the course provides the attendees with hands-on opportunities to practice their search techniques. This course is also offered for 2.5 hours without hands-on. The course is available as a three-week Web-based asynchronous class via Moodle for 3.5 CE credits.
CE Contact Hours: 2.5, 3.5, 3.5 online • Face to Face, e-Learning, Hands-on, RML Offerings about Consumer Health, Expert Searching
Demonstration, Slides, Discussion, and Hands-on Exercises.
HAM-TMC Library
1133 John Freeman Blvd.
Houston TX , 77030

MedlinePlus and More

Contact: Karen Vargas and Lori Tagawa, NNLM Coordinators, and Lydia Collins
Contact: 713-799-7880 Fax: 713-790-7030 - http://nnlm.gov/scr/training/ - South Central region
This course is designed to train librarians and consumers on MedlinePlus, the premier consumer health database by the National Library of Medicine. Hands-on exercises and real life problems will be used as a method of teaching this database. Additional consumer health resources from the National Library of Medicine will be selected and demonstrated based on needs of participants.
CE Contact Hours: 2, 3 • Face to Face, e-Learning, RML Offerings about Consumer Health, NLM Databases
Lecture, Demonstration, Discussion, Hands-on Exercises, and Problem-based.