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About the Republican Policy Committee

The United States Senate Republican Policy Committee (RPC) was established in 1947. Senator John Barrasso of Wyoming serves as its 15th Chairman and is the fourth ranking member of Republican leadership in the United States Senate.

The committee advances Republican policies by providing positions on legislation, floor debate, and votes. RPC also provides in-depth analysis on specific issues, policy solutions and alternatives, and strategic guidance. We also provide a recorded vote analysis and run the internal RPC TV broadcast.

In the tradition of past chairmen, the RPC provides a forum for Republican Senators for policy discussions. This is principally carried out through the weekly policy lunch. RPC also hosts Republican Staff Directors and Legislative Directors to discuss the Senate committees and floor agenda.

RPC’s origins go back to 1947 and its founding chairman, Senator Robert A. Taft of Ohio. The Committee was created following a bipartisan proposal by the Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress in 1946. The RPC was originally composed of nine Republican Senators. They provided all Republican senators with a description of meeting discussions and the chair would hold press availability following the meeting. Policy discussions now include all Republican senators.

Republican Policy Committee Chairs:

  • Robert A. Taft of Ohio (1947-1952)
  • William F. Knowland of California (1953)
  • Homer Ferguson of Michigan (1954)
  • H. Styles Bridges of New Hampshire (1955-1961)
  • Bourke B. Hickenlooper of Iowa (1961-1968)
  • Gordon Allott of Colorado (1969-1973)
  • John Tower of Texas (1973-1985)
  • William Armstrong of Colorado (1985-1991)
  • Don Nickles of Oklahoma (1991-1996)
  • Larry Craig of Idaho(1996-2003)
  • Jon Kyl of Arizona (2003-2007)
  • Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas (2007-2009)
  • John Ensign of Nevada (2009)
  • John Thune of South Dakota (2009-2012)
  • John Barrasso of Wyoming (2012-present)



About Chairman John Barrasso, M.D.

Senator John Barrasso was sworn in to the United States Senate in 2007 having represented the people of Natrona County in the Wyoming State Senate. Barrasso was then elected to the United States Senate on November 4, 2008. Barrasso is known by many as Wyoming’s Doctor. He has a long and recognized career in both medicine and public service.

During 24 years as an orthopedic surgeon in Casper, Barrasso served as President of the Wyoming Medical Society and was named Wyoming Physician of the Year. He also served as medical director of the Wyoming Health Fairs, bringing low-cost health screening exams to people all around the Cowboy State.

Barrasso is known throughout Wyoming for his health messages. His public service announcements have been on TV, radio and in numerous newspapers for more than 20 years. Barrasso has also hosted Wyoming’s efforts on the Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon.

Senator Barrasso serves on the Republican leadership team as the Chairman of the Senate Republican Policy Committee. He also serves as Chairman of the Senate Western Caucus.

Senator Barrasso serves on the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, the Environment and Public Works Committee, the Indian Affairs Committee and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

A strong advocate for the people of Wyoming, Senator Barrasso works hard to ensure that Wyoming’s voice is heard.

Barrasso has three children – Peter, Emma and Hadley. He and his wife Bobbi live in Casper.


RPC Staff

Dan Kunsman    Staff Director
Charles Abernathy Policy Counsel (Banking, Trade, Transportation, and Telecommunications)
Chris Adkins New Media Director
Craig Cheney Administrative Director
Erin Dempsey Policy Analyst (Health Care)
Carolyn Laird Station Manager
Emily Lawrimore Communications Director
Matt Leggett Policy Counsel (Energy, Environment, and Agriculture)
John Mitchell Editorial Director
Arjun Mody Policy Director
Tom Pulju Systems Administrator / Recorded Vote Analysis Editor
Michael Stransky Policy Counsel (National Security)
Katelynn Thomas Station Operator / Projects Assistant
Michael Thorpe Policy Counsel (Judiciary, Homeland Security, and Government Affairs)
Spencer Wayne Policy Analyst (Budget, Tax, and Appropriations)


Contact Us

347 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

tel (202) 224-2946
fax (202) 228-2628