NOAA / Space Weather Prediction Center

Today's Space Weather

Updated 2012 September 27 23:52 UTC

This page with white background plots or black background plots

Latest GOES Solar X-ray Image, link to large image

Latest GOES Solar X-ray Image Image


See Solar Image References for other solar image sites.

3-day Solar-Geophysical Forecast issued Sep 27 22:00 UTC

Solar Activity Forecast: Solar activity is expected to be at low levels with a slight chance for M-class activity for the next three days (28 - 30 September).

Geophysical Activity Forecast: The geomagnetic field is expected to be at predominantly quiet levels for the next three days (28 - 30 September).

Solar X-ray Flux

3-day Solar Xray Flux graph

This plot shows 3-days of 5-minute solar x-ray flux values measured on the SWPC primary GOES satellite. One low value may appear prior to eclipse periods. Click on the plot to open an updating secondary window. 6-hour 1-min Solar X-ray Flux plot.

Satellite Environment Plot

3-day Satellite Environment graph and image map. link to Proton Plot link to Electron Plot link to GOES Mag. Plot link to Kp Plot

Proton Flux from GOES-13, Electron Flux and GOES Hp from GOES-13 & GOES-15

The Satellite Environment Plot combines satellite and ground-based data to provide an overview of the current geosynchronous satellite environment. Click on a data panel to open an updating secondary window. An updating Satellite Environment Plot window is also available.

Although these data are of interest to the satellite community, they do not include all parameters and energy ranges known to be associated with satellite anomalies. See related information from the NOAA POES satellite -- Auroral Activity Estimates, Relative Intensities of Energetic Particles, and Solar Protons.

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