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Status Update
Fast Track
Would that be Crazy?


Would that be Crazy?

Transcript for Degrees :60 English

ELENA: I'm Elena. I have a master's degree in giving hope to children in Ethiopia.

JOHN: I'm John. My farm experience helped villagers in the Philippines feed themselves.

NANAYAA: I'm Nanayaa. I have a degree in making an impact for generations to come.

ANNCR: If you have a degree in agriculture, the environment, or teaching English, you actually have a degree in doing more than you ever thought possible. Peace Corps Volunteers can truly make a difference in the lives of people all over the world. With your skills and education, you could help create an irrigation system for a small village in Paraguay. Or share new teaching methods to educators in Moldova. The experiences you'll gain in the Peace Corps will stay with you forever. This is your chance to make a real difference. A difference only you can make. Explore how the Peace Corps can fit into your future. Visit peacecorps.gov.

NANAYAA: My resumé

JOHN: My resumé

ELENA: My resumé now includes…changing lives.

Transcript for Status Update :60 English

What do your status updates say?
You’re learning a new language?
Going all-organic?
Instead of typing your feelings, what if you could put them into action?
By creating a network to help keep kids off the streets.
In a country like Armenia. Or in Honduras.
Bringing IT into the classroom. Or on a farm in Tanzania.
Helping stem the world’s food crisis by creating a sustainable agricultural program.
What if every ounce of your being helped update the status of a person?
And in turn, they did the same for you?
Would this be enough social interaction?
Or is this only the beginning of something larger?
Life Is Calling. How far will you go?
Peace Corps. Experience our online game at peacecorps.gov/game

Transcript for Fast Track :60 English

What if it wasn’t always about getting ahead?
What if you didn’t care about being on the fast track?
What if your career goals were to change? Instead of flying off to the big interview, what if you flew somewhere else altogether?
To embark on a different track. To volunteer in ways you never dreamed of.
In places you never imagined yourself being.
Like a tiny island in the Pacific, barely visible on a map, but where needs are easy to see.
Or a village on the African continent, where just a little training in HIV awareness can change the fate of thousands.
What if you decided to share your skills with others and help someone else get ahead?
Peace Corps. Life is calling. How far will you go?
To find out more, call 800.424.8580 or visit peacecorps.gov.

Transcript for Paths :60 English

What would happen if you didn't follow the established path?
If you did the unexpected.
Would you feel scared? Proud? Relieved?
Could you explain that helping the people of Peru improve their own community, would also have an effect on your own?
Or assisting an entrepreneur in Ukraine to launch her small business?
Or creating a support group in Malawi for children orphaned by AIDS?
What if you established your own path? One that others might follow.
Would you rather make your own way?
Or spend your life saying "what if?"
Life is Calling. How far will you go? Peace Corps.
To find out more, call 1.800.424.8580 or go to peacecorps.gov.

Transcript for Would That Be Crazy? :60 English

Would it be crazy if you just stopped? Everything? Packed your bags and left?
For a week. A month. A year. What if you left for two years? Would people think you'd lost your mind?
What if you were going far away to help in a village… on the edge of the Gobi desert.
A village crowded with Buddhist temples, not skyscrapers.
A place where there isn't a word for recluse, but a thousand words for 'community.'
Would it be crazy to go 5,000 miles from home
To spend time with people the rest of the world have only read about?
To build libraries, and fill them with stories.
To prepare a meal, with food you helped grow.
To teach children, and learn a thing or two about yourself.
Would that be crazy?
Peace Corps. Life is calling. How far will you go?
To find out more, call 800.424.8580 or visit peacecorps.gov.

Transcript for Would That Be Crazy? :60 Spanish

¿Que pacaria si de repente pararas todo?
¿Si embarcaras tus maletas y te fueras?
¿Por una semana, un mes, un año?
¿Y si te fueras por dos años?
¿Y si te fueras muy lejos ayudar en una aldea en la orilla del Desierto de Gobi?
A una aldea repleta de templos ancianos, no de rascacielos.
Un lugar donde no exista la palabra, solitario.
Pero mil palabras para decir, comunidad.
¿Sería cosa de locos irse a cinco mil millas de tu hogar?
A pasar tiempo con gente que solo suele encontrarse en libros.
A construir bibliotecas y llenarlas de historias.
Y preparar algo de comer que tu ayudastes sembrar y a cosechar.
A ser maestro de niños, y ser tú, quisas quien mas aprenda.
¿Le llamarían a eso loco?
Peace Corps. La vida te está llamando. ¿Hasta dónde íras?
Para averiguar, llama al 800.424.8580 o visita peacecorps punto gov.

Transcript for If :60 Spanish

Female Voice: Si pudiera vivir nuevamente mi vida
La viviría totalmente diferente
Más que ayudar con mi granito de arena
Ofrecería completa mi vida entera
Contribuiría mucho menos con las fiestas
Y ayudaría a constuir muchos más puentes

Si pudiera vivir nuevamente mi vida
No trabajaría tanto para mí
Trabajaría más para los demás
Me preocuparía menos por el dinero
Por los lujos o el qué dirán
Soñaría menos en un mundo mejor
Y me esforzaría más por hacerlo realidad

Si pudiera vivir nuevamente mi vida
No tendería mi mano para recibir
Tendería mis dos manos para dar
Haría menos por mí y más por los demás
Si yo pudiera vivir nuevamente mi vida
Dedicaría mi vida a servir a los demás

Hoy, la vida está tocando a tu puerta
¿Estás dispuesto a atender su llamado?

Announcer: Los voluntarios del Peace Corps reciben ciertos beneficios, pero ninguno tan grande como la experiencia de pasar dos años enteros ayudando con toda el alma y el corazón a una comunidad que de verdad lo necesita. Más información en www.peacecorps.gov.

Peace Corps. Cuerpos de Paz

Transcript for Superhero :60 Spanish

Father: a los 23, 25 años…, esa es la edad en la que nos sentimos Superhéroes, nada nos pasará, nada puede con nosotros. Recién graduado…

Son: Papá, Peace Corps tiene beneficios Académicos y Financieros

Father: ojalá hubiera sabido de los Cuerpos de Paz. Me hubiera ido. De una vez, a ayudar, a echar una mano en lo que fuera, ¿con lo rico que es ayudar? No me lo hubiera pensado dos veces.

Son: Y me ayuda con mi resumé, son dos años de experiencia

Father: Ir a un país que me necesita, que me está llamando, que está solicitando mi ayuda, ¿sabes?, la experiencia, vivir en otra cultura, conocer las costumbres, el por qué la gente vibra, mostrarles a ellos quién soy yo, quiénes somo nosotros verdaderamente. Es como devolver un poco lo que te ha dado la vida.

Son: ¿Entonces, te parece bien si me inscribo en Peace Corps?

Father: (serio) ¿Tu crees que me dejen entrar a mí también?

Father: (dudoso) C.., cla.., claro con tal no nos manden al mismo país.

Announcer: Los Peace Corps o Cuerpos de Paz, son una agencia del gobierno de Estados Unidos, dedicada a ayudar con trabajo voluntario en los países que así lo solicíten. Más información en www.peacecorps.gov.

Last updated Jul 17 2012

Guidelines for Use

Radio PSAs are intended to promote general awareness and recruitment for the Peace Corps. Peace Corps reserves the right to demand removal of our PSAs if we deem the content within which they play is violent, obscene, profane, hateful, or racist.