Operation: BEFIT!

Submit Your Local Fitness Event


by Dave Hawk

"Always be prepared" doesn't just apply to Boy Scouts. When you hit the wilderness, you need to have supplies for the unexpected. Here's what you need in your backpack, whether you're planning an all-day hike or a two-hour trail walk.

  • First-aid kit. An obvious no-brainer. Assemble your own, or pick one up at the store. Make sure it has the basics: band-aids (different sizes), gauze, antibiotic ointment and antiseptic wipes. See redcross.org for more.
  • Canteen full of water. If you're a little more hardcore, water purification pellets are available that help make wilderness water more potable.
  • Dry snacks: Nutrition bars, dried fruit, jerky, nuts or other light, nutritionally dense foods will help keep your energy high.
  • Pocket knife: Better yet, invest in a Swiss Army knife or other multi-tool implement that can be utilized for any eventuality.
  • Rain poncho. You never know when Mother Nature turns on you, so pack a thin, light, easily foldable water-proof covering.
  • Matches. Again, stuff happens. If you get lost and become cold, a box of matches can be a godsend.
  • Compass and area map. You may have a portable GPS, or even your smartphone with you, but there's no guarantee that you'll have a signal, so pack a reliable compass.
  • Bug repellent. You're going to need it if you're trudging around swampy areas or places that have a lot of streams, lakes and ponds.
  • Sunscreen: Obviously, if you're hiking in a heavily wooded area, this isn't as essential, but if you're in desert terrain or walking across large, treeless areas, you need to protect your skin with a minimum of 15 SPF — 30 SPF for those with sensitive skin.
  • Local knowledge: This may not be something you carry in your backpack, but you should take a few minutes to learn what potential dangers (e.g., poisonous snakes) or poison ivy or other hazardous plant life may be lurking out there.



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