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Good Documentation is the Centerpiece of Good Medical Care

February 26, 2010 posted by Col Ken Meade

The use of MC4 systems is critical since they provide the ability to electronically document medical care in the deployed environment. Continuity of care and continuity of information are important when we treat patients while they transferred from forward deployed sites to theater and garrison treatment facilities. Patient safety is one of our most important goals and good medical record documentation is integrally related to safe care.

MC4 Documentation Centerpiece Medical Care

When I was deployed to Iraq during 2008 as the surgical consultant for the 62nd Medical (MED) Brigade (BDE), I worked with the combat support hospitals and forward surgical teams (FSTs) and assisted them to achieve a nearly 100 percent rate of documentation in TMDS from AHLTA-T and TC2 encounters.

During this time, it was verified that 100 randomly selected patients had satisfactory electronic medical record documentation when they were medically evacuated from Iraq to Landstuhl. Additionally, the 62nd MED BDE initiated a peer review program that monitored the quality of medical documentation entered into AHLTA-T and TC2. Peer review is one of the essential processes that must to be done to ensure accurate documentation and safe administration of care.

Recently, the 212th CSH began preparation for deployment. During a recent field training exercise at the Hohenfels training area in Germany, the 212th CSH treated more than 200 patients. Every encounter successfully transmitted to TMDS and a random review of the encounters showed a high rate of record transfer from AHLTA-T to AHLTA.

As the 212th CSH and one of its FSTs prepare for deployment, we intend to work on areas in which MC4 can help us treat our patients. This includes improved lab resulting for "reference lab testing," facilitating the transmission of radiology reports from theater to Landstuhl Regional Medical Center and improving the interoperability between theater medical facilities.

I appreciate MC4's efforts to make deployed medical care safer and better. Through good documentation of care, it is possible to enhance continuity of care, improve and assess treatment protocols, as well as enable us to ensure that quality medical care is being provided.

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