Family Programs

The Guard supports Families of Soldiers with programs that include entertainment, community outreach, legal and financial aid—even free tax preparation.

Every parent has questions. The Guard has answers.

It's only natural to be concerned any time your child makes important choices about their future. But we think you'll see that the Guard can be one of the best steps your son or daughter can take.

Can the Guard help with college?

We can pay up to 100% of your child's tuition.

In most states, the Guard can cover up to 100% of college tuition. Your child may also qualify for an additional $356 each month for expenses with the Montgomery GI Bill Montgomery GI Bill:
$345 mailed directly to you every month, to spend on books, housing or anything you want.
—plus up to another $350 with the Army National Guard Kicker Army National Guard Kicker:
For qualified Soldiers, an additional $350 per month payment for living expenses.
. There are also Guard scholarships to help pay for school. And we can even help students earn their GED with our GED Plus program.

Your child can serve while they're in school.

With a commitment of only one weekend a month plus two weeks of training in the summer, your son or daughter will be earning a degree, earning Guard pay and experience, and taking a huge bite out of their college costs.

Guard Soldiers are often better students.

Many young people actually do better in college after they’ve been through Guard training and gained additional discipline and maturity. This translates into better time-management skills, better grades and better opportunities after graduation—both in the Guard and in civilian life.

How will joining the Guard help them get a job?

The Guard teaches valuable job skills.

With several career fields and over 150 job specialties to choose from, your child will have no trouble finding a job specialty that fits their passion. And we don't just give them jobs—we pay them to learn skills like leadership, team building and self-discipline that will serve them in any career.

Your child can work and serve in the Guard at the same time.

With the Guard’s typical schedule of one weekend a month plus two weeks of training in the summer, Soldiers can easily maintain a civilian job while they serve. That means they can use their Guard training to land a good civilian job and bring home a second paycheck for part-time Guard service.

The Guard gives Soldiers an opportunity to network and earn benefits.

Your son or daughter will be serving with other Soldiers in related career fields in their own community and state. And they'll be eligible for benefits like health and life insurance, discount shopping privileges on base, VA home loans and much more.

How do I know if my child is ready?

We will equip every Soldier physically and mentally.

Your son or daughter will be in the best physical shape and be equipped to tackle even the toughest challenges. By attending the Guard's RSP program, they'll have a good idea what to expect at Basic Training Basic Training:
Basic Training (BT) is a 10-week course of intense physical and mental training, during which recruits develop essential Soldier skills, discipline and values.
. And many students actually do much better in school after completing their training. You'll see the skills and priorities they learn—like discipline and motivation—help them develop as individuals, team players and strong leaders.

Your child may be asserting their independence.

By showing an interest in serving, your son or daughter is telling you they are ready to spread their wings. It may be tough to let them go, but with your support and the Guard’s training, they will make you proud.

What about my child's safety?

The Guard trains Soldiers to take care of themselves.

Guard Soldiers train alongside active duty troops. They learn the same combat skills, and use the same weapons and techniques. In other words, every Soldier is physically and mentally prepared for the challenge. And as their skills develop, they can qualify for specialized schools. From challenges like Airborne or Ranger school to language, leadership and management courses, the Guard will help your child develop strength, character and self-reliance.

Most Guard training and deployments occur near home.

Most weekend training takes place with a unit close to the Soldier’s home. And while Guard troops can be called up to serve overseas, they're more often mobilized to assist during domestic emergencies or natural disasters in or near the Soldier’s home state.

For more answers, check out the Additional Questions page, or talk to a recruiter.