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Lone U.S. Treatment Facility in North Afghanistan Armed with MC4

July 23, 2010 posted by Sgt. 1st Class James Mentel

Today, we electronically capture patient data and fulfill medical logistics (MEDLOG) needs via the MC4 system. The brigade surgeon reviews the patient data to monitor the medical trends throughout RC North and the Afghanistan theater.

The clinical staff documents patient notes faster with MC4 than charting the same information on paper SF 600s. The staff is also more efficient with a paperless environment. The medics and providers pull up digital records throughout the facility and don't have to scramble to find paper files.

The use of DCAM made an immediate impact on our MEDLOG efforts. The same day DCAM went live in our facility, we established an account with the U.S. Army Medical Materiel Center – Southwest Asia and began placing orders electronically. By using DCAM, we now receive our class VIII supplies faster than when we faxed and emailed our orders. Today, we're able to better fulfill our patients' needs.

Although the unit received a familiarization class before we deployed, the additional training we received from the MC4 team was very beneficial and augmented the prior instruction. We received hands-on instruction to utilize DCAM and the outpatient program, AHLTA-T. MC4 personnel also showed our SASMO and signal personnel how to perform routine system maintenance.

We received a lot of information and great support from the MC4 team. We expect to continue to reap the many benefits offered by the MC4 systems throughout our deployment.

Sgt. 1st Class James Mentel, Noncommissioned Officer in Charge, Charlie Company, 10th Brigade Support Battalion, 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry), Camp Spann, Mazar-e-Sharif, Afghanistan

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