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The MC4 Way Ahead for Training

August 27, 2012 posted by Lt. Col. Danny J. Morton

In a previous blog, I mentioned that fiscal restraints will be a challenge for MC4, as well as the Department of Defense as a whole. As budgetary discussions on Capitol Hill and at the Pentagon continue, here at MC4, we’re taking measures to get a head of the looming budget cuts.

Training our Soldiers on how to use the electronic medical record system will continue to be a high priority. Knowledge and hands-on experience of the MC4 system is necessary for our medical personnel to be able to effectively document patient care. We are partnering and collaborating with the Army Medical Department Center & School (AMEDDC&S) to enhance learning opportunities in courses that already exist.

This month I met with AMEDDC&S key leaders to discuss where MC4 training currently exists, what changes may need to be made to existing training and where we might need to expand training at the AMEDDC&S. By continuing to institutionalize MC4 training, Soldiers preparing for deployment will have more opportunities to receive instruction in sync with the Army Force Generation (ARFORGEN) cycle.

While we are continuing to institutionalize MC4 training, this doesn’t mean that we are reducing the support we offer commanders and their units downrange. We will continue to offer support by fielding equipment and assisting with the deployment of updated applications. We recently completed the fielding of EMR to 410 locations worldwide. We are already working on finalizing the EMR upgrade and are preparing to begin fielding in the upcoming months.

Additionally, the Army footprint in Europe will be reducing as focus shifts toward the Pacific, but we will not abandon MC4 customers in Europe. They will continue to receive support as necessary.

As we work with the AMEDDC&S to evaluate MC4 training available at the schoolhouse, we will continue to post updates and report on our progress and successes. I welcome you to continue to visit this blog for more information.

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