SGT Jeremy Brown's Journal

Entry 2 - Staying Fit

Joining the military improved my physical fitness by a landslide. The workouts we did showed me what my own personal workouts were missing—cardio. While my sit-ups and push-ups were on target, I could only run two miles and could barely pass my run portion of the Physical Training test.

We did a lot of cardio in Basic Training. We ran almost everywhere, always keeping our heart rates elevated. At the time I did not enjoy the intense training, but it has led me to my current hobbies: half-marathons and triathlons.

After Basic ended, I knew I would have to find a way to keep off all of the weight I lost. I began running in some local 5ks and worked up to some 10ks. Eventually, though, I wanted more of a challenge. I happened to pick up a Runner's World magazine, and I began reading about marathon training. I decided to run a half-marathon. I applied with the local Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Team in Training (TNT) in Birmingham, AL. TNT hooked me up with a local marathon coach, who gave me a training schedule that prescribed a daily amount of running until the day of the race. It was also a fundraiser for the treatment of leukemia and lymphoma, and I raised $1,800. My new sport allowed me to combine community service and my newfound love of running.

I trained hard for the next three months, and on Feb. 14, 2010, I ran my first half-marathon at the Mercedes Marathon/Half-Marathon event in Birmingham. I finished in 2:09:17. I was so happy I was able to run my event nonstop. Constantly passing others along the course was great motivation, and I consider this race one of the greatest accomplishments in my life so far.

After this achievement, I wanted to do something even bigger. I started reading Triathlete magazine and became very intrigued with triathlon competitions. I decided to train for the Sprint Triathlon at Callaway Gardens, GA. I began running and swimming, and I purchased a road bike to begin cycling. The training was intense, and I asked anyone with triathlon experience for advice. I completed my first Sprint Triathlon on June 19, 2010. I lagged a little in the swim, but I aced the run and bike legs!

I really enjoy pushing myself in these competitions, and I continue to train for half-marathons and triathlons. I hope I will remain injury-free and always be motivated to continue on this journey of physical fitness that the National Guard inspired me to start.

Entry 1 - Why I Joined the National Guard

I have always enjoyed helping people, and it has always been gratifying to see others happy. As a teenager, I volunteered at the Veterans Affairs hospital in Tuskegee, AL, for four summers. Talking to the Veterans was a very positive motivation. I realized that something as simple as saying “Hi” or bringing them ice water made them happy.

After realizing how much I enjoyed the hospital area and how rewarding it felt to help others, I decided I would follow in the footsteps of many of my Family members and attend college, seeking a nursing degree. After two years in college, my scholarship ran out, and I was tired of working minimum-wage jobs. I remembered the military training I had in high school when I participated in ROTC, and I decided to call a recruiter. I was told the military would pay for college, and about all of the other benefits!

Since I was already headed in the medical direction, I chose to become a 68W Healthcare Specialist. While attending RSP, I volunteered at a local fire department for six months as I completed my semester before heading to Basic Combat Training. I became CPR-certified and gained a lot of experience dealing with diabetic patients, blunt trauma, accidents and so forth.

While working as a volunteer firefighter, I experienced the death of my first patient about three days before I was scheduled to head off to Fort Leonard Wood, MO, for Basic. The experience of working with that patient was saddening, but it also helped me realize I would do well in this field. Despite the distractions and the pressure, I was able to perform my duty to the best of my abilities.

These are the reasons that I was motivated to become a 68W and truly put my best foot forward. I love helping people, and this job allows me to do exactly that!