120A - Construction Engineering Technician


Serves as a Construction Engineering Technician (120A) across the broad spectrum of engineer operations in both operational and non-operational units. Construction Engineering Technicians provide subject matter expertise throughout their careers to the commander and staff on matters relative to the following functions/tasks:

  • Supervising and coordinating construction of base camps and internment facilities in support of engineer construction operations
  • Supervising the construction, repair, and maintenance of vertical infrastructure in engineer construction operations
  • Providing advice and technical assistance on all aspects of electrical power and distribution in support of military operations; supervising and managing separate teams performing theater prime power missions.
  • Providing engineering support and expertise to Deployable Medical System (DEPMEDS) hospitals, utilizing organic equipment such as power generation equipment, environmental control systems, water, waste, fuel and electrical distribution systems; coordinating and supervising the installation and repair of water supply systems, plumbing, sewage, and heating and air conditioning system
  • Planing, conducting, preparing and providing planning studies and tests for identified engineer work projects; addressing facility siting environmental concerns, and estimated project costs as part of a Survey & Design Detachment
  • Commanding Survey and Design, and Firefighting Headquarters Detachments
  • Serving as members of the engineer staff in MEBs, Division and Corps Units
  • Developing training strategies, reviewing and writing doctrine, presenting formal engineering instruction to officers, warrant officers and NCOs

120A Minimum Prerequisites (ARNG and USAR):

  • Must be a SGT (E5) or above
  • Must have a minimum of three years of documented experience in:
    • MOS 12H, 12K, 12P, 12Q, 12R, 12T, or 12W, Air Force AFSC 3E0xx - Interior Electrician, Utilities, Structural, or Engineering Specialties;
    • Marines – 1169 Utilities Chief, 1361 Engineering Assistant, 1141 Electrician;
    • Navy - Builder (BU), Construction Electrician (CE), Utilitiesman (UT), Engineering Aid (EA).
  • NCOs must provide hard copies of all NCOERS/Enlisted Reports.
  • Recruiting, drill sergeant and other non-technical duties are not considered field experience towards the three year requirement.
  • Must be an Advanced Leader Course (ALC) graduate from a feeder MOS (waiverable based on documented leadership and technical performance in a feeder MOS in OEF/OIF). MOS 12T does not currently offer Phase 2 ALC – Phase 2 waived.
  • Must possess a minimum of one year leadership experience (documented on an NCOER/Enlisted Report) in one of the following TOE/MTOE positions:
    • Construction Operations Sergeant, Construction Section Leader or Construction Squad Leader
    • Senior Technical Engineer NCO, Technical Engineer NCO or Reconnaissance Sergeant
    • Senior Power Station Mechanic, Electrician or Instrumentation
    • Assistant Team Chief
    • Technical Inspector, Utilities Equipment Maintenance Manager or Shop Foreman
  • Must possess a sustained and demonstrated level of technical and leadership competency as supported by rater and senior rater comments on NCOERs.
  • Must have a letter of recommendation from a senior 120A (CW3-CW5). The letter must address your technical and tactical competence to perform in MOS 120A. For locations without senior 120A warrant officers, the proponent will accept letters of recommendation from senior warrant officers (CW3-CW5), regardless of branch.

*Applicants may request a prerequisite waiver for the feeder MOS and apply based on three years of documented civilian experience (in the form of annual appraisals) related to MOS 120A, in lieu of any of the above primary feeder MOSs. Applicants should have two years of military leadership experience as a squad leader, platoon sergeant or section sergeant in their current MOS. Civilian engineering degrees and certifications related to MOS 120A will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, as part of the overall packet. These may be used to reduce the required years of military experience and allow for the waiver of ALC for applicants who do not have the required feeder MOS.

Note: Army National Guard programs and benefits are subject to change. Your local warrant officer recruiter has the most up-to-date information about job availability and bonuses in your state.