63 House Members Join Congressional Coalition on Adoption to Introduce Bipartisan Resolution Promoting Adoption Awareness

Oct 27, 2011 Issues: Adoption, Foster Care, Health Care

Washington, DC – Congressional Coalition on Adoption (CCA) House Co-Chairs Congresswoman Karen Bass (CA-33)  and Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (MN-06) today announced the introduction of House Resolution (H.RES.) 433, a bipartisan resolution supporting the goals and ideals of National Adoption Month and National Adoption Day in the month of November. The resolution promotes national awareness of adoption, encourages the well-being of every child and recognizes individuals and organizations working with orphans and foster children.

“Too many children in our communities are not raised by their parents or families, and we must open doors of opportunity for them,” said Congresswoman Bass. “Even in this partisan political environment, I am pleased that we all agree that protecting some of the most vulnerable children in the country is an issue of shared concern.”

To raise awareness of the plight of foster children, National Adoption Month was first designated in 1995. In November 2000, National Adoption Day was launched through the National Adoption Day Coalition to mark the day that agencies, organizations and families come together to complete thousands of foster care adoptions.

“As the proud mother of 23 foster children, I encourage my colleagues in the House of Representatives to support efforts to make our nation a better place through adoption of orphans and foster children,” Congresswoman Bachmann said. “This resolution, which I have introduced with my friend and colleague from California, Representative Karen Bass, will allow Members of Congress to publically advocate for the message of adoption and encourage our fellow Americans to ensure every child has a permanent home with a loving family.”

H.RES. 433 is cosponsored by 62 Members of the House of Representatives. The Resolution awaits action in the House Committee on Education and the Workforce. Its companion resolution in the Senate, S.RES.302, is sponsored by Senator Mary Landrieu (LA) and has 20 cosponsors.

Since 1985, the Congressional Coalition on Adoption (CCA) has brought together members of Congress committed to making sure every child in America has a safe, permanent and loving home. With 160 members, CCA is the largest, bicameral caucus in all of Congress.