<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" language="java" import="java.sql.*" errorPage="" %> National Estuaries Restoration Inventory (Version 2.3) NOAA Logo, link to NOAA home page NOAA logo, link to NOAA home page DOC logo, link to Department of Commerce home page NOAA logo, link to NOAA home page DOC logo, link to DOC home page NOAA logo, link to NOAA home page
National Estuaries Restoration Inventory, Restoring one million acres of estuarine habitat by 2010
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Welcome to the National Estuaries Restoration Inventory

The National Estuaries Restoration Inventory (NERI) has been created to track estuary habitat restoration projects across the nation. The purpose of the inventory is to provide information on restoration projects in order to improve restoration methods, as well as to track acreage restored toward the million-acre goal of the Estuary Restoration Act.

Link to Add/Update a Project Link to Search the Inventory. Link to Inventory maps. Link to NOAA Estuary Restoration Act home page. link to Army Corps of Engineers official ERA page link to US Fish and Wildlife Service home page link to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ERA page link to Environmental Protection Agency ERA page link to Natural Resource Conservation Service home page

  NOAA and DOC logos, links to NOAA and DOC home pages