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CS China – Due Diligence Services

Does Your Company Need Help?

Verifying credit worthiness and other important information about the business structure and operations of a firm as a potential partner, representative or customer can be a challenge anywhere. American companies must also periodically update their records to comply with U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) guidelines.

Save your firm from harm. Scams routinely run by companies praying on exporters through potentially huge, unsolicited orders through the internet or at trade shows often are too good to be true.

How can you know? It can be especially difficult to perform any type of due diligence in another country due to different language, culture and business practices. The Commercial Service offers three services, directly or in conjunction with Globis/Sinotrust, that can help your firm make critical assessments before you sign any type of agreement. Prevent costly mistakes with quick, low-cost credit checks or due diligence reports on companies in China.

What we offer:

International Company Profile: A comprehensive report on a company, its verifiable registration and structure, as well as known shareholders and banking relationships. Click here for more information.

Spot Check: Verify if a company is legally registered. Learn about its known shareholders and a basic overview of its business activities and location.

Quick Check: Tell us what you want to know about a certain company. We’ll interview them by phone and provide you with responses to your questions, information gleaned from an internet search in Chinese and comments on our findings. This service is especially useful when trying to ascertain quickly whether a company may be operating a scam. See Sample Report here.

We Save You Money, Time and More!

Protect your firm. Our cost-effective services are delivered on a timely basis based on a schedule we set with each client.

Contact a Trade Specialist at one of Export Assistance Centers in the U.S. to see if your firm can qualify for discounts as a “new to market” or “new to export” company. Certain time restrictions apply.

Travel to interview Chinese subject firms in locations outside cities where we, or Globis/Sinotrust, have offices may require prior agreement and payment of additional travel expenses, not included in fees listed below. Timeframe for completion and delivery of report may also vary.

Depending on the scope of the business activity, additional due diligence through professional service providers is recommended. For a select list of firms offering legal and other services, please see our list of Business Service Providers.

Contact us if you have any questions.