U.S. Department of Justice

Revalidating External Prison Classification Systems: The Experience of Ten States and Model for Classification Reform

Publication year: 2002 | Cataloged on: Oct. 31, 2006

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  • Revalidating External Prison Classification Systems: The Experience of Ten States and Model for Classification Reform

Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: Work undertaken by the participating states is described, an outline of the fundamental tasks required for a revalidation effort is provided, and external classification trends and lessons learned from these classification reforms are summarized within this report (p. x). This report is comprised of the following sections: executive summary; introduction; NIC classification goals and objectives; description of the ten states' external classification initiatives (Virginia, Montana, Oregon, Oklahoma, Texas, Wyoming, Wisconsin, Delaware, Rhode Island, and Tennessee); recommended methodology for testing, implementing, and monitoring classification reforms; and common issues, problems and solutions, and next steps. Appendixes provide copies of external classification instruments validated by select states and statistical tables.

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