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MC4 Training at Staging Areas Under Construction

April 27, 2010 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

This month, MC4 is piloting a revamped training program for medical personnel that pass through the reception, staging, onward movement and integration (RSO&I) facility at Camp Buehring, Kuwait.

Training Staging Under-Construction

The goal is to teach users specifically how to use applications to complete tasks, using test data and scenarios built on training servers. This is a shift from new equipment training (NET) provided in Kuwait, as well as in the U.S., which familiarizes users on each application installed on MC4 systems.

Thanks go in large part to the 28th Combat Support Hospital (CSH) and Task Force 1 Medical Brigade for helping us revise our training strategy, as well as to better prepare 90-day rotators.

Additionally, we completed construction on a new training facility in Afghanistan to support units who do not pass through Kuwait for RSO&I and instead arrive directly in Afghanistan. On 18 March, MC4 opened the new training facility at Bagram Air Field to provide enhanced training and support to the AOR.

To schedule MC4 training at the staging areas in Kuwait or Afghanistan, units should send advance notice to MC4 prior deployment.

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