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Corals That Are Candidates for Listing Under the ESA

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Video: Protecting Coral Reefs

Credit: NOAA, Coral Reef Task Force, and National Park Service



Status Review Report

In April 2012, NMFS completed a status review report and draft Management Report of the candidate species of corals. You may comment on the documents through July 31, 2012.


In response to a petition from the Center for Biological Diversity [pdf] to list under the ESA and designate critical habitat for these species, NMFS reviewed the status of the following 82 "candidate species" of corals (all petitioned species except for the Large Ivory Coral, Oculina varicosa):

  1. Acanthastrea brevis
  2. Acanthastrea hemprichii
  3. Acanthastrea ishigakiensis
  4. Acanthastrea regularis
  5. Acropora aculeus
  6. Acropora acuminate
  7. Acropora aspera
  8. Acropora dendrum
  9. Acropora donei
  10. Acropora globiceps
  11. Acropora horrida
  12. Acropora jacquelineae
  13. Acropora listeri
  14. Acropora lokani
  15. Acropora microclados
  16. Acropora palmerae
  17. Acropora paniculata - Fuzzy Table Coral
  18. Acropora pharaonis
  19. Acropora polystoma
  20. Acropora retusa
  21. Acropora rudis
  22. Acropora speciosa
  23. Acropora striata
  24. Acropora tenella
  25. Acropora vaughani
  26. Acropora verweyi
  27. Agaricia lamarcki - Lamarck's Sheet Coral
  28. Alveopora allingi
  29. Alveopora fenestrate
  30. Alveopora verrilliana
  31. Anacropora puertogalerae
  32. Anacropora spinosa
  33. Astreopora cucullata
  34. Barabattoia laddi
  35. Caulastrea echinulata
  36. Cyphastrea agassizi - Agassiz's Coral
  37. Cyphastrea ocellina - Ocellated Coral
  38. Dendrogyra cylindrus
  39. Dichocoenia stokesii - Elliptical Star Coral
  40. Euphyllia cristata
  41. Euphyllia paraancora
  42. Euphyllia paradivisa
  43. Galaxea astreata
  44. Heliopora coerulea
  45. Isopora crateriformis
  46. Isopora cuneata
  47. Leptoseris incrustans
  48. Leptoseris yabei
  49. Millepora foveolata
  50. Millepora tuberosa
  51. Montastraea annularis - Boulder Star Coral
  52. Montastraea faveolata - Mountainous Star Coral
  53. Montastraea franksi
  54. Montipora angulata
  55. Montipora australiensis
  56. Montipora calcarea
  57. Montipora caliculata
  58. Montipora dilatata - Hawaiian Reef Coral/Irregular Rice Coral
  59. Montipora flabellata - Blue Rice Coral
  60. Montipora lobulata
  61. Montipora patula - Sandpaper Rice Coral/Spreading Coral/Ringed Rice Coral
  62. Mycetophyllia ferox
  63. Pachyseris rugosa
  64. Pavona bipartite
  65. Pavona cactus
  66. Pavona decussate
  67. Pavona diffluens
  68. Pavona venosa
  69. Pectinia alcicornis
  70. Physogyra lichtensteini
  71. Pocillopora danae
  72. Pocillopora elegans
  73. Porites horizontalata
  74. Porites napopora
  75. Porites nigrescens
  76. Porites pukoensis
  77. Psammocora stellata - Stellar Coral
  78. Seriatopora aculeata
  79. Turbinaria mesenterina
  80. Turbinaria peltata
  81. Turbinaria reniformis
  82. Turbinaria stellula


The petition asserts that the following threats and other impacts are affecting these corals:

  • ocean warming
  • ocean acidification
  • dredging
  • coastal development
  • coastal point source pollution
  • agricultural and land use practices
  • disease
  • predation
  • reef fishing
  • aquarium trade
  • physical damage from boats and anchors
  • marine debris
  • aquatic invasive species

Updated: April 12, 2012

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