
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act) was signed into law by President Obama on February 17th, 2009. It was an unprecedented effort to jumpstart our economy, create or save millions of jobs, and put a down payment on addressing long-neglected challenges so our country can thrive in the 21st century. The Act was an extraordinary response to a crisis unlike any since the Great Depression, and included measures to modernize our nation’s infrastructure, enhance energy independence, expand educational opportunities, preserve and improve affordable health care, provide tax relief, and protect those in greatest need.

The Recovery Act provided $200 million in funding for the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) to deploy an additional 10,316 AmeriCorps State & National and 4,430 AmeriCorps VISTA members, provide match relief to grantees running these programs, and to improve CNCS’ Information Technology infrastructure. These AmeriCorps members provided vital services to people facing unemployment, poverty, or other challenges by offering job counseling and placement services, providing foreclosure prevention and financial counseling, weatherizing homes, strengthening food banks, supporting health care and independent living services, and more.

This website details the Corporation's work towards implementing the Recovery Act; please select from the following to learn more:

Total National Service Recovery Act Funding (combined)

Contact Information

If you have comments or questions related to the Corporation's implementation of the Recovery Act, please email recovery@cns.gov. While we won’t be able to individually reply to your email, we will take your comments into consideration as we implement the Act.

To report fraud, waste and abuse, please contact the Corporation's Office of Inspector General at CNCSIG.gov.

For more information on the
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
please visit www.Recovery.gov

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009