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U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) - Reston, VA

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
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  1. Recent Posts by Others on U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)See All
    • Sharon Amen Elliott
      The 1994 Northridge quake and the 1999 hector Mine quake had chatter about the Salton Sea smell. Is there a correlation?
      19 hours ago
    • Jorge Pedro Morante
      How can you explain all the chit chat in the media that there are now bigger magnitude and more frequent earthquakes compared to before? They claim year to year this numbers increase. Specially after all the quakes up to September 2012 this year there is a lot of talk on that. Here in Southern California everyone keeps talking about the abnormality of the number of quakes here the last 2 months. Im personally a little nervous but would like your professional input please!
      4 · Tuesday at 8:00pm
    • Evan Mendell
      Does the smell of sulfur sometimes indicate the chance of an earthquake?
      4 · Monday at 9:36pm
    • Please share this with. Others
      September 9 at 11:45am
    •  Hemos elaborado un artículo que explica la erupción del volcán San Cristóbal en Nicaragua del día de hoy sábado. http://www.tribuglobal.com/index.php/geologia/vulcanismo/244-erupcion-pliniana-del-volcan-san-cristobal-nicaragua.html
      September 8 at 2:56pm
  2. For folks in Denver... USGS will have a booth at the Denver Gem and Mineral Show, Friday 9/14 through Sunday 9/16 at the Denver Merchandise Mart, I-25 and 58th Ave. We'll have rock and mineral specimens to look at, touch, and ask questions about, map displays, hands-on geophysics demonstrations, and a kids' treasure hunt. Come by and say hello if you are there!---Pete M., USGS, Denver CO
    Photo: For folks in Denver... USGS will have a booth at the Denver Gem and Mineral Show, Friday 9/14 through Sunday 9/16 at the Denver Merchandise Mart, I-25 and 58th Ave.  We'll have rock and mineral specimens to look at, touch, and ask questions about, map displays, hands-on geophysics demonstrations, and a kids' treasure hunt.  Come by and say hello if you are there!---Pete M., USGS, Denver CO
  3. RecommendationsSee All
    • Debi de Jesus
    • Emmanuel Midas Xlvii Acholla
      You guys got class when it comes to matters geological in nature!
    • Sergei Ostroumov
      new blog posts, geoscience, and related areas: Environmental Science. Updated: Recent blog posts. ** ** China. Citation of research that was conducted at Moscow University. Water quality: http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/china-citation-of-research-that-was.html ** FAQ (Frequently asked questions) on the book: S.A.Ostroumov. Biological Effects of Surfactants http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/07/faq-frequently-asked-questions-on-book.html ** Top discoveries. 21st, 20th centuries, environmental sciences, biology: best scientific publications, achievements: http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/top-discoveries-21st-and-20th-centures.html ** First publication: concentrations of a number of rare earth elements in detritus of biological origin, aquatic systems http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/first-publication-to-report.html ** Unique book on new environmental hazards, risks and dangers. New key pollutants. New ecological toxicants http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/unique-book-on-new-environmental.html **Saudi Arabia. Citation of research at Moscow University. Example: Citation of the book http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/saudi-arabia-citation-of-research-that.html **World-wide,international citing of publications of Dr. S.A. Ostroumov (Moscow). in USA, Germany,U. K., Sweden, France,http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/world-wide-and-international-citing-of.html **Argentina. Citation of research that was conducted at Moscow University. Ecology, environmental science. http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/argentina-citation-of-research-that-was.html ** Citing: publications authored by Dr. S.Ostroumov in USA, Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Australia, Japan, China http://www.scribd.com/doc/54504932 ** New theory: ecosystem’s biomachinery (a new scientific term, was proposed by the author) which improves water quality: http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/innovative-theory-of-ecosystems.html ** Water safety and water sustainability. New scientific theory of water self-purification http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/water-safety-and-water-sustainability.html ** Why the current measures against water pollution will fail for sure, if the new discoveries are ignored. http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/why-current-measures-against-water.html ** updated: indexed, with abstracts: Web of Science. Area: Environmental sciences, life sciences. Publications with DOI. http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/indexed-with-abstracts-web-of-science.html ** Ukraine: another citation of a Russian ecologist (Fulbright Award recipient), Moscow State University http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/ukraine-another-citation-of-russian.html ** Available online free: Тексты статей можно получить онлайн бесплатно: Environmental science http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/available-online-free-environmental.html ** Recently, these blog posts attracted attention: 1, 824 reads and views during one day. http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/popular-with-internet-1267-views-duting.html ** ** Recently: interesting useful blog posts: ** In many languages. Environment Sci. web-sites, Internet: Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/in-many-languages-environmental_19.html ** new theory of ecological self-purification of water was formulated and proposed in a series of innovative papers http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/new-theory-of-ecological-self.html ** Popular with Internet: 1,267 views during one day only. Environmental science, ecology, water safety, sustainability: http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/popular-with-internet-1267-views-duting.html ** Citation in Czech Republic. Book of Moscow environmentalists, A.V.Yablokov, S.A.Ostroumov, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow State University: http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/citation-in-czech-republic.html ** Aquatic ecosystem as a bioreactor: water purification and some other functions. Scientific paper. Water quality. http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/aquatic-ecosystem-as-bioreactor-water.html ** Biocontrol of Water Quality: Multifunctional Role of Biota in Water Self-Purification.Ecological purification of water: http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/biocontrol-of-water-quality.html ** Inhibition of mussel suspension feeding by surfactants of three classes. Marine mussels Mytilus. Paper published: http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/inhibition-of-mussel-suspension-feeding.html ** Multifunctional Role of the Biota in the Self-Purification of Aquatic Ecosystems http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/multifunctional-role-of-biota-in-self.html ** Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders. Innovative paper. http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/published-ostroumov-s.html ** Concepts of Biochemical Ecology and Hydrobiology: Ecological Chemomediators. Innovative concepts, terminology. http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/concepts-of-biochemical-ecology-and.html **updated: indexed, with abstracts: Web of Science. Area: Environmental sciences, life sciences. Publications with DOI. http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/indexed-with-abstracts-web-of-science.html ** S. A. Ostroumov. On the Multifunctional Role of the Biota in the Self-Purification of Aquatic Ecosystems. - Ecology: http://www.scribd.com/doc/45572968/S-A-Ostroumov-On-the-Multifunctional-Role-of-the-Biota-in-the-Self-Purification-of-Aquatic-Ecosystems-Russian-Journal-of-Ecology-5-RJE-on-the-mu ** Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders. - Hydrobiologia,[environmental toxicology of detergents] http://www.scribd.com/doc/44105992/Ostroumov-S-A-Some-aspects-of-water-filtering-activity-of-filter-feeders-Hydrobiologia-invertebrates-environmental-toxicology-of-detergents-5 ** Aquatic ecosystem as a bioreactor: water purification and some other functions.[water quality, freshwater, marine] http://www.scribd.com/doc/52656760/Ostroumov-S-A-Aquatic-ecosystem-as-a-bioreactor-water-purification-and-some-other-functions-water-quality-freshwater-marine-ecosystems-4Rivista ** Aquatic ecology. Innovative papers are available online free. http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/aquatic-ecology-innovative-papers-are.html ** Revolution in Environmental Science is knocking the door: solutions to challenges of global change. http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/revolution-in-environmental-science-is.html ** ENVIRONMENT: RISKS, HAZARDS, DANGERS. ЭКОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ РИСКИ, ОПАСНОСТИ, УГРОЗЫ http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/environment-risks-hazards-dangers.html ** New terminology was suggested: ecological tax; ecological repair of water quality; and other innovations; http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/new-terminology-was-suggested.html ** New terminology was suggested: ecological tax; ecological repair of water quality; and other innovations; See the blog post: * Updated. Indexed, with abstracts: Web of Science. Area: Environmental sciences, life sciences. Publications with DOI. http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/indexed-with-abstracts-web-of-science.html ** 63 steps to a new ecology. Updated to 66. http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/63-steps-to-new-ecology-updated-to-66.html ** 63 steps to a new ecology. Updated. http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/63-steps-to-new-ecology-updated.html ** Revolutionary innovation: Ecosystem health and water pollution control: studying water self-purification http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/revolutionary-innovation-ecosystem.html **61 steps to a new ecology, environmental science http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/61-steps-to-new-ecology-environmental.html ** Updated: Environmental Science. Papers that were found on Google. Internet. http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/environmental-science-papers-that-were.html ** Impact of the publications on Environmental Science, Biology, Dr. S.Ostroumov: Internet, papers, books http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/impact-of-publications-on-environmental.html ** Impact of the publications on Environmental Science, Biology, authored by a Moscow University scientist, Dr. S.Ostroumov: Internet, papers, books http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/impact-of-publications-on-environmental.html ** **Indexed: Web of Science. Plant sciences, phytotoxicity, phytotest. Dr. S.A. Ostroumov; with DOI. Selected publications http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/indexed-web-of-science-plant-sciences.html ** indexed: Web of Science. Area: Aquatic Environmental sciences, Aquatic ecology, life sciences. Selected publications http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/indexed-web-of-science-area-aquatic.html ** New evidence of a change in public attitude to surfactants: a victory of science http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/new-evidence-of-change-in-public.html ** Many international experts, scientists recommended libraries, universities, governmental agencies to acquire this book http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/many-international-experts-and.html ** Biodiversity protection and quality of water: the role of feedbacks in ecosystems http://www.academia.edu/Papers/in/Ecosystems http://moscowstate.academia.edu/SergeiOstroumov/Papers/908665/Biodiversity_protection_and_quality_of_water_the_role_of_feedbacks_in_ecosystems ** Envir.Science: These sites with papers were updated recently, available online free : http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/envirscience-these-sites-with-papers.html ** Environmental Science and other topics. Available online free. Файлы доступны он-лайн. http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/environmental-science-and-other-topics.html ** Environment Sci.: recent blog posts http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/environment-sci-recent-blog-posts.html ** first opinion paper and review paper in which a multi-aspect innovative analysis of the ecological role of organisms that filter water was made http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/08/first-opinion-paper-and-review-paper-in.html ** Nanomaterials. Aquatic Macrophyte Ceratophyllum demersum Immobilizes Au Nanoparticles after Their Addition to Water. http://www.scribd.com/doc/74982961/ ** Responses of Unio tumidus to Mixed Chemical Preparations and the Hazard of Synecological Summation of Anthropogenic... http://www.scribd.com/doc/49065621/Responses-of-Unio-tumidus-to-Mixed-Chemical-Preparations-and-the-Hazard-of-Synecological-Summation-of-Anthropogenic-Effects-Danbio51-2001v380-E-U-tum **
  4. Equipment maintenance is complete at Mount Rainier’s high-elevation volcano monitoring stations. Check out this spectacular set of photos. http://volcanoes.usgs.gov/observatories/cvo/rainier_2012_em_gallery.html
    Photo: Equipment maintenance is complete at Mount Rainier’s high-elevation volcano monitoring stations. Check out this spectacular set of photos. http://volcanoes.usgs.gov/observatories/cvo/rainier_2012_em_gallery.html
  5. What do scuba divers see underwater at the outflow of a river that has recently had two dams removed?

    Experience vicariously through the EPA blog that covers the USGS-led project. http://blog.epa.gov/science/2012/09/what’s-changed-post-dam-removal-benthic-surveys-start-at-the-mouth-of-the-elwha-river/
  6. Despite careful planning, field work comes with unexpected challenges. Read the latest blog post about our work in appropriately named, Surprise Valley, CA. http://www.usgs.gov/blogs/surprisevalley/
    Photo: Despite careful planning, field work comes with unexpected challenges. Read the latest blog post about our work in appropriately named, Surprise Valley, CA. http://www.usgs.gov/blogs/surprisevalley/
  7. The USGS was part of a scientific team that helped identify the current and potential threats to migratory shorebirds across the globe. What resulted was a list of 45 issues, divided into three categories; natural, human caused, and future ...

    The natural issues included megatsunamis, volcanoes and regional climate changes, while human caused threats encompassed agricultural intensification, conversion of tidal flats and coastal wetlands by human infrastructure developments and human-caused algae in coastal systems. Possible future threats to shorebirds include microplastics, new means of recreation and infectious diseases. http://gallery.usgs.gov/photos/09_10_2012_fKam1QP108_09_10_2012_0#.UE9xc0KrL7E see the IBIS Journal link in the comments for a copy of the study.
    See More
  8. Just Launched: CA Central Valley water studies website: Water Use, Land Subsidence, more... http://ca.water.usgs.gov/projects/central-valley/index.html
    Photo: Just Launched: CA Central Valley water studies website: Water Use, Land Subsidence, more... http://ca.water.usgs.gov/projects/central-valley/index.html
  9. USGS scientists not only serve our Nation, but they also serve as leaders in professional and technical associations around the world -- guiding the communities and dialogue of many research fields. That list now includes USGS and Colorado ...
    State University
    scientist Jill Baron, who has been elected president of the world's largest professional society for the science of ecology -- the Ecological Society of America. Learn more about Dr. Baron's 30-plus-year career in alpine ecology in this USGS blogpost: http://www.fort.usgs.gov/baron/
    See More
    Photo: USGS scientists not only serve our Nation, but they also serve as leaders in professional and technical associations around the world -- guiding the communities and dialogue of many research fields. That list now includes USGS and Colorado State University scientist Jill Baron, who has been elected president of the world's largest professional society for the science of ecology -- the Ecological Society of America. Learn more about Dr. Baron's 30-plus-year career in alpine ecology in this USGS blogpost: http://www.fort.usgs.gov/baron/
  10. US Topo Video: US Topo is the next generation of topographic maps from the USGS. To support the ongoing transformation to digital mapping, The National Geospatial Program has released an informative and entertaining video to demonstrate the advantages, capabilities and opportunities provided by US Topo electronic maps. http://gallery.usgs.gov/videos/568
  11. With all the attention this month on the Mars Curiosity rover, it's easy to forget that after 8 years, Opportunity is still roving away on Mars and discovering new things. Check out USGS scientist Ken Herkenhoff's latest update from the NASA control center:
    Photo: With all the attention this month on the Mars Curiosity rover, it's easy to forget that after 8 years, Opportunity is still roving away on Mars and discovering new things. Check out USGS scientist Ken Herkenhoff's latest update from the NASA control center: 
  12. Mapping magnetic anomalies with a UAS in the air, and old-fashioned boots on the ground, geophysicists and engineers from the USGS and NASA, along with university partners are doing field work in Surprise Valley, CA. Follow their blog posts: http://www.usgs.gov/blogs.SurpriseValley
    Photo: Mapping magnetic anomalies with a UAS in the air, and old-fashioned boots on the ground, geophysicists and engineers from the USGS and NASA, along with university partners are doing field work in Surprise Valley, CA. Follow their blog posts: http://www.usgs.gov/blogs.SurpriseValley
  13. Meet Aaron Cupp...a student working for the USGS in LaCrosse, WI for our Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center. Read, and watch, his story.

    Photo: Meet Aaron Cupp...a student working for the USGS in LaCrosse, WI for our Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center. Read, and watch, his story.

  14. The complex ecosystem of Washington’s Puget Sound is a bit clearer today with the release of the Puget Sound Marine Waters 2011: Year in Review http://www.psp.wa.gov/downloads/psemp/PSmarinewaters_2011_overview.pdf. A chapter in the report...
    highlights how a novel, landscape-scale survey that combines western science with ancestral tribal knowledge and cultural practices of the Northwest’s Coast Salish People is helping USGS scientists and partners better understand the ecosystem of the Salish Sea and several large rivers including the Skagit and Fraser. (The download if fairly large, so be patient with the download :)
    See More
  15. Mount Rainier, the highest Cascades Range peak, is the volcanic backdrop to many western Washington communities. As part of the Cascades Volcano Observatory website modernization, information about the geologic history and potential hazard...
    s at Mount Rainier is now available in the up-to-date web format. We hope you enjoy learning about Rainier even more now with its new look and feel! http://volcanoes.usgs.gov/volcanoes/mount_rainier/
    See More
    Photo: Mount Rainier, the highest Cascades Range peak, is the volcanic backdrop to many western Washington communities.  As part of the Cascades Volcano Observatory website modernization, information about the geologic history and potential hazards at Mount Rainier is now available in the up-to-date web format.  We hope you enjoy learning about Rainier even more now with its new look and feel! http://volcanoes.usgs.gov/volcanoes/mount_rainier/
  16. Dont forget tonight's public lecture on Eastern Earthquakes in Reston VA. If you can make it out, follow live @USGSLive !!
    Wednesday, September 5 at 7:00pm in EDT at U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
  17. ChemCam is working again, and the focus of Sol 27 is sampling the Martian atmosphere with SAM. Keep up with daily posts from USGS scientist, Ken Herkenhoff in the NASA control room.
  18. Cascades Volcano Observatory scientists are at Mount Rainier this week performing repairs, upgrades, and maintenance of five volcano monitoring stations. Keeping seismic and deformation equipment up to date ensures real-time data streams are operational and accurate, which is critical for detecting signs of volcanic unrest. http://volcanoes.usgs.gov/observatories/cvo/
    Photo: Cascades Volcano Observatory scientists are at Mount Rainier this week performing repairs, upgrades, and maintenance of five volcano monitoring stations.  Keeping seismic and deformation equipment up to date ensures real-time data streams are operational and accurate, which is critical for detecting signs of volcanic unrest. http://volcanoes.usgs.gov/observatories/cvo/
  19. A team of scientists and engineers started geophysical field work with an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) in Surprise Valley, CA. Follow their daily blogs. Today's post: Mapping underground faults and fractures. https://www.usgs.gov/blogs/surprisevalley/
    Photo: A team of scientists and engineers started geophysical field work with an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) in Surprise Valley, CA. Follow their daily blogs. Today's post: Mapping underground faults and fractures. https://www.usgs.gov/blogs/surprisevalley/
  20. We using a new 3D technology to map streets, structures and levels floodwaters reached in the wake of Isaac. This will help identify where the potential threat of future floodwaters is greatest, and will help determine the extent of wind and flood damages caused by Isaac. http://www.usgs.gov/newsroom/article.asp?ID=3389#.UEIuXKSe6gQ
    Photo: We using a new 3D technology to map streets, structures and levels floodwaters reached in the wake of Isaac. This will help identify where the potential threat of future floodwaters is greatest, and will help determine the extent of wind and flood damages caused by Isaac. http://www.usgs.gov/newsroom/article.asp?ID=3389#.UEIuXKSe6gQ
  21. MARDI, MAHLI, ChemCam, MastCam: Which camera gets pointed where? and in the sunlight or shadow? These are among the many decisions the Mars Science Lab Science Team makes every day, while directing the rover Curiosity on Mars. Follow USGS scientist Ken Herkenhoff as he sends back daily updates from the control room at NASA's JPL in Pasadena.
  22. Uplifting Video: Elevation data has been an important component of USGS topographic maps since the 1880's. A topographic map without elevations in the form of contours is simply not a topographic map. The National Geospatial Program has l...
    aunched a short video that emphasizes the relevance of elevation data not only to mapping, but to other areas of science and everyday life like flood insurance, climate change and environmental monitoring. http://gallery.usgs.gov/videos/567
    See More
    Photo: Uplifting Video:  Elevation data has been an important component of USGS topographic maps since the 1880's.  A topographic map without elevations in the form of contours is simply not a topographic map. The National Geospatial Program has launched a short video that emphasizes the relevance of elevation data not only to mapping, but to other areas of science and everyday life like flood insurance, climate change and environmental monitoring. http://gallery.usgs.gov/videos/567
  23. “Crowdsourcing”: Looking at New Ways to Map Structures in Colorado
    In light of technical changes and increasing uses of social networking, the USGS is exploring a new approach to the volunteer program –the National Map Corps - and is launc...
    hing a project to test options for volunteer participation in providing data to The National Map. The project uses internet mapping applications to add or corrected information to man-made structures and facilities, such as schools and fire stations, in the state of Colorado. on.doi.gov/PjMeUy
    See More
    Photo: “Crowdsourcing”: Looking at New Ways to Map Structures in Colorado 
In light of technical changes and increasing uses of social networking, the USGS is exploring a new approach to the volunteer program –the National Map Corps - and is launching a project to test options for volunteer participation in providing data to The National Map. The project uses internet mapping applications to add or corrected information to man-made structures and facilities, such as schools and fire stations, in the state of Colorado.  on.doi.gov/PjMeUy
  24. So what’s the flood potential from Hurricane Issac in your area? Sign up for instant phone alerts for any of our 7000+ streamgages. When rivers and streams reach a certain high, you will be instantly notified. http://water.usgs.gov/wateralert/ Here is a pic of what a USGS streamgage looks like:
    Photo: So what’s the flood potential from Hurricane Issac in your area? Sign up for instant phone alerts for any of our 7000+ streamgages. When rivers and streams reach a certain high, you will be instantly notified. http://water.usgs.gov/wateralert/   Here is a pic of what a USGS streamgage looks like:
  25. WOW! Strong winds and storm surge from Hurricane Isaac's landfall forced the Mississippi River to flow backwards for nearly 24 hours on Tuesday, August 28 http://bit.ly/PvOEeO
    Photo: WOW! Strong winds and storm surge from Hurricane Isaac's landfall forced the Mississippi River to flow backwards for nearly 24 hours on Tuesday, August 28 http://bit.ly/PvOEeO
  26. Where is USGS installing gages & where do we expect water and surge to travel inland from Hurricane Isaac? Check out latest w/ this interactive mapper https://bitly.com/TpkVGA

    More info on precise installation locations in each state here: http://www.usgs.gov/newsroom/article.asp?ID=3386
    Photo: Where is USGS installing gages & where do we expect water and surge to travel inland from Hurricane Isaac? Check out latest w/ this interactive mapper  https://bitly.com/TpkVGA

More info on precise installation locations in each state here: http://www.usgs.gov/newsroom/article.asp?ID=3386
  27. We have estimated coastal erosion potential for parts of the Gulf Coast from Isaac. Up to 89% of MS coast is very likely to experience erosion. This image shows coastal erosion in action in AL. Repeat hurricane waves and surge have eroded the beach significantly .http://www.usgs.gov/newsroom/article.asp?ID=3383#.UD0ximie6gQ
    Photo: We have estimated coastal erosion potential for parts of the Gulf Coast from Isaac. Up to 89% of MS coast is very likely to experience erosion. This image shows coastal erosion in action in AL. Repeat hurricane waves and surge have eroded the beach significantly .http://www.usgs.gov/newsroom/article.asp?ID=3383#.UD0ximie6gQ
  28. It's free science public lecture time! This Thursday, we are hosting a special talk on Global Food Security in the 21st Century. Mark your calendars for upcoming lectures about Sea Otter Awareness in September and Mars Curiosity research in October!

  29. In Ken Herkenhoff's latest update from NASA's Mars Curiosity control room, he talks about receiving the first ChemCam data for analyzing the chemistry of rocks and soil, and reflects on his early inspiration from Neil Armstrong. Read all of Ken's updates online.
  30. An energetic earthquake swarm (largest event magnitude 5.5) is ongoing in the Brawley Seismic Zone south of the Salton Sea in Southern California. The swarm started on Saturday August 25 with earthquake activity on a northeast striking faul...
    t zone located about 20 km (12.5 miles) south of the young volcanic center known as Salton Buttes. The most recent eruptions, which took place about 9,000 years ago, produced five rhyolite lava domes along the present-day shore of the southern Salton Sea. The Brawley Seismic Zone, located between the northern end of the Imperial Fault and the southern end of the San Andreas Fault is a tectonically active area, with numerous earthquake swarms occurring over the last several decades, most recently in 2005 and in 1981. There is no evidence to suggest the present swarm is volcanic in nature. More information on the Brawley swarm can be found on the website of the Southern California Seismic Network (a partnership of Caltech and the USGS) at http://www.scsn.org/.
    See More
  31. Florida Beaches and Dunes Face Erosion Risk During TS Isaac
    78% of Florida’s west central coast and 23% of the Panhandle are very likely to face beach and dune erosion as Tropical Storm Isaac moves into the area early this week, according to new USGS assessment http://www.usgs.gov/newsroom/article.asp?ID=3379#.UDtj40R9n-g
    Photo: Florida Beaches and Dunes Face Erosion Risk During TS Isaac
78%  of Florida’s west central coast and 23% of the Panhandle are very likely to face beach and dune erosion as Tropical Storm Isaac moves into the area early this week, according to new USGS assessment  http://www.usgs.gov/newsroom/article.asp?ID=3379#.UDtj40R9n-g
  32. Those of you in southernmost California may have felt some of the largest in an "earthquake swarm" that is ongoing south of the Salton Sea. The sequence is being closely tracked by seismologists at the USGS office in Pasadena, CA and at neighboring CalTech, who released the following statement a short while ago:

    August 25, 2012 Brawley swarm (version 1 at 3:50 p.m. PDT)

    The swarm began at...
    8:30 am (PDT) with three M2.5 events in a few minutes. As of 3:00 pm, CISN recorded 160 events. The largest two are M5.3 at 12:31 pm and M5.5 at 1:57 pm, and thirty events over M 3.5 have occurred.

    The earthquakes are occurring on a northeast striking fault located about 6 km north of the northwest end of the mapped Imperial Valley fault. This is within the area called the Brawley Seismic Zone. The BSZ extends from the northern end of the Imperial fault to the southern end of the San Andreas fault. It has been characterized by swarms that have occurred in the 1930s, the 1960s, and 1970s. The last swarm before this one occurred in 2005 with the largest event of M5.1 In 1981, at almost the same location, there was swarm-like activity called the Westmoreland sequence, with a largest event of M 5.8.

    In the 1960s and 1970s, the southern part of the BSZ was very active. Several swarms included many thousands of events, but with a largest magnitude of only M5.0 or less. From 1981 to 2000, the Brawley Seismic Zone was quiet. In the last decade several swarms smaller than today's were recorded in the northern part of the zone.
    See More