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3rd ID Adds Battlefield Medical Recording System to Stateside Aid Stations
April 20, 2009 by MC4 Public Affairs
3rd ID Medical Recording
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Pfc. Don Pickering, Jr., medic with the 603rd Aviation Support Battalion, checks in a patient at the aviation clinic at Hunter Army Airfield, Savannah, Ga. View on Flickr

Pfc. Don Pickering, Jr., medic with the 603rd Aviation Support Battalion, checks in a patient at the aviation clinic at Hunter Army Airfield, Savannah, Ga. View on Flickr

Lt. Col. Edward Michaud (second from left), division surgeon for the 3rd Infantry Division, met with CSSAMO personnel, staff from the Directors of Information Management for Fort Stewart and Fort Benning, as well as MC4 personnel to discuss challenges and hurdles to integrating MC4 systems into other garrison aid stations. View on Flickr

Capt. Christina Johnson, physician assistant at the 3rd Infantry Division’s Special Troops Battalion Aid Station, Fort Stewart, Ga., uses the MC4 system to document Soldiers’ medical information and review their medical history. View on Flickr

Story Focus


  • 3rd Infantry Division broadens use of battlefield EMR system to garrison clinics at Fort Stewart, Ga.
  • Stateside use of MC4 to lead to improved system use and support in theater
  • System implementation planned for remaining 3rd ID aid stations

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FORT DETRICK, Md. — This month, the 3rd Infantry Division (ID) expanded its use of the Army’s battlefield electronic medical recording (EMR) system, MC4, to two more garrison aid stations at Fort Stewart, Ga.

The 1st Battalion, 64th Armor and 26 Brigade Support Battalion joined the Special Troops Battalion Aid Station at Fort Stewart and the 603rd Aviation Support Battalion at Hunter Army Airfield in Savannah, Ga., as the first group of 21 garrison aid stations led by the 3rd ID to discontinue the use of paper medical records.

The implementation of the digital medical recording system by the 3rd ID, and the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, N.C., in January, has resulted in the capturing of 3,000 electronic patient encounters in garrison to date. The use of MC4 at battalion aid stations in the U.S. not only provides an EMR capability for clinics with low-to-no connectivity, but supports a new initiative by the Army to “train as you fight” with MC4.

3rd ID Division Surgeon Lt. Col. Edward Michaud ushered in the new business process so that personnel supporting the facilities would gain valuable hands-on experience using the same equipment to electronically document patient care in garrison that is used in theater. The laptops and servers used in the stateside clinics—fielded, trained and sustained by the MC4 program—are the same used by medical personnel throughout Iraq, Afghanistan and 12 other countries worldwide.

  • “Utilizing the EMR system on a daily basis in garrison reduces future training requirements and helps to eliminate any delay Service members may experience in receiving medical care.”
    — Lt. Col. Edward Michaud, Division Surgeon, 3rd ID

“The primary benefit of this endeavor is the training and habituation that improves through continued use,” Lt. Col. Michaud said. “Utilizing the EMR system on a daily basis in garrison reduces future training requirements and helps to eliminate any delay Service members may experience in receiving medical care. Also, the S6 and CSSAMO are better prepared to efficiently install and support the system, as well as troubleshoot any issues that may arise.”

In addition to training, Soldiers that visit the clinics on post also benefit from the use of MC4.

“The staff is able to provide enhanced care since they now have the ability to quickly access historical information and view previous illnesses and treatments,” Lt. Col. Michaud said. “Without an EMR, aid stations primarily screen patients. Today, the 3rd ID has four aid stations with the ability to electronically capture patient encounters, document notes and reorder medications. Use of the MC4 system offers a significant benefit to the Soldier and the unit while in garrison that was not previously available.”

Augmentation of the MC4 System to AHLTA Proving Useful

Capt. Christina Johnson, physician assistant at the 3rd ID’s Special Troops Battalion (STB) Aid Station, used the MC4 system in 2008 while deployed to Camp Buehring, Kuwait, as a professional officer filler system (PROFIS) member with the 3rd Cavalry, Fort Hood, Texas.

“MC4 was very effective when we conducted sick call in theater,” Capt. Johnson said. “We supported a post with approximately 20,000 Service members, contactors and foreign nationals who worked on site. I saw approximately 30 patients a day and all of the information was collected in the outpatient program. If I had to hand-write the patient information onto paper forms, the process of seeing patients and charting the care would have been very slow.”

Now using the MC4 system in garrison, Capt. Johnson frequently treats Soldiers that report to the STB aid station for sick call. Then she relocates to a different facility, the Lloyd C. Hawks Troop Medical Clinic (TMC), to administer acute care. The combined troop medical clinic is the only facility on Fort Stewart that provides a higher level of care, other than Winn Army Community Hospital. At Hawks TMC, Capt. Johnson is able to view patient encounters in AHLTA after having initiated the records using MC4 at her aid station.

“When a patient arrives at the TMC for additional care, I can go into AHLTA and pull up their medical record and see encounters generated from the STB aid station using MC4,” Capt. Johnson said. “This information allows me to quickly see the treatments that have been performed and what medications the Soldier has been prescribed.”

Lessons Learned, Forecasting Technical Hurdles in Theater

Capt. Ricardo Swenness, physician at the 3rd ID STB Aid Station, deployed to Iraq in 2006. He worked in an aid station that did not use MC4. The problem was not a lack of equipment, but confusion regarding who to contact to install the systems.

“When I talked with my medics about setting up MC4, they didn’t know who to go to,” Capt. Swenness said. “We didn’t know that the CSSAMO staff had the knowledge to help us install the system. If we had used MC4, we would have had better access to information.”

Capt. Swenness recalled that connectivity was always an issue at the deployed aid station. It is also an issue for garrison aid stations. Traditionally, the buildings that house the aid stations are not wired into the local computer network. This can be a setback when trying to install an EMR system into the facility.

Connectivity is required in order to transmit patient data to the central data repository, where it comprises a Soldier’s longitudinal health record and becomes immediately available to other medical personnel, regardless of location.

To mitigate technical issues that may derail the implementation of EMR systems in garrison clinics, Lt. Col. Michaud involved the 3rd ID’s S6 and CSSAMO personnel from day one.

“The technical staff has worked tirelessly to hammer out technical issues, as well as uncover solutions to the networking challenge,” Lt. Col. Michaud said. “Meetings are held regularly to foster communication between the different organizations and to keep the process moving forward.”

  • “By implementing MC4 in our stateside facilities, we can mitigate similar issues when we go downrange.”
    – Lt. Col. Edward Michaud, Division Surgeon, 3rd ID

As a result of the collaboration, more garrison aid stations have connectivity to the local networks via a secure wireless channel—Combat Service Support Automated Information Systems Interface (CAISI). As the 3rd ID expands the use of MC4 to other locations, alternatives may be required.

“As we work to bring additional aid stations online with MC4, we have discovered that there is a severe lack of CAISIs and very small aperture terminals to establish network connections,” Lt. Col. Michaud said. “It is important to know this information early in the process so that we understand the hurdles that lie ahead. Many of the problems we experience in garrison are potential problems in theater. By implementing MC4 in our stateside facilities, we can mitigate similar issues when we go downrange.”

Lt. Col. Larry France, U.S. Army Medical Command-Office of the Surgeon General physician assistant consultant, recently visited the aid stations using MC4, crediting the close collaboration between the 3rd ID and others that has led to the success thus far.

“I used the MC4 system in 2006 when I worked in the palace in Baghdad, Iraq,” Lt. Col. France said. “I know the positives and negatives with the system and the 3rd ID is working through a lot of the negatives now. By having every entity involved throughout the process, it will help make the implementation successful. It also helps prepare every level of the organization with their roles in using the system in future deployments.”

More MC4 Stateside Integration to Follow

Lt. Col. Michaud is encouraged about the progress that has been made with the use of MC4 in the aid stations, and is looking forward to installing the EMR system into the remaining 3rd ID clinics.

“In light of the successful use of MC4 in the aid stations, I feel comfortable continuing the effort with the other facilities,” Lt. Col. Michaud said. “We have learned so much during this process that the other sites can benefit from the trials and errors experienced while integrating the systems in the first few locations. More importantly, the use of EMRs gives us a new capability that enhances the care we can provide to our Soldiers.”

Lt. Col. Michaud’s acknowledges that in addition to organizational collaboration, user support has been key.

“If the providers were not happy with the system, then I would be very hesitant to move forward and continue the effort,” Lt. Col. Michaud said. “Many are familiar with the system from previous deployments. They see the benefits and understand the importance of its use. We now have the advantage of taking better care of our Soldiers in the states and during future deployments. We also benefit from having the medical staff and technical support personnel practice using the system on a daily basis. This is a win-win for everybody.”

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Richard Carpenter
MC4, Multi-functional Professional

I have worked extensively with LTC Michaud and the 3rd ID to incorporate the use of MC4 into CONUS battalion aid stations. The person that provided the previous comments might not understand the use and functionality of MC4, as the feedback provided is inaccurate. The following information clarifies the issues raised.

  1. CONUS Records Corrupting Theater Data – This comment is made from not knowing the data collection process with the MC4 system. Information in TMDS is not automatically calculated in the counting of theater encounters. TMDS stores encounters from 14 countries, including Iraq, Afghanistan, Korea, Germany, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. DNBI reports are compiled and calculated by the Medical Command and Control for their specific Area of Operations. This means extra encounters are not corrupting or skewing the theater DNBI or battle injury numbers.
  2. Theater Tag on CONUS MC4 Encounters – MC4 is aware that a theater tag is placed on all encounters created with AHLTA-T, regardless if the records are created in theater or in CONUS. A trouble ticket on this issue has been elevated to the Defense Health Information Management System (DHIMS), the developer of MC4 software. We even openly discussed this issue in the article on the 82nd Airborne's use of MC4 in the January issue of The Gateway.

    However, as soon as the encounter is opened, the data from the theater environment of AHLTA-T is viewable. The physical location is displayed at the top of the encounter, such as 603rd ASB Hunter Army Air Field, Ga., along with the street name and building number of the BAS where the encounter was created.

    The encounter in the patient history in CONUS AHLTA displays a theater tag next to the encounter, however as soon as a provider opens the encounter, the CONUS location is displayed.
  3. Enterprise Remote Access, Ancillary Services – Only providers are able to get access to the local fixed facility remote access (ERA), meaning that many encounters are never documented in the lifelong electronic format. Often, the ONLY encounters entered via the ERA are ones that require a follow on appointment. Many chronic injuries, such as sports related injuries, are simply captured on paper and never make in to a Soldier’s medical record.

    Many providers complain about how long it takes to get an ERA account. MC4 allows the local commander to say who can have AHLTA-T accounts. This allows medics to check in and screen patients, allow providers to diagnose and treat patients, freeing providers from the check in and screening process. This offers greater productivity of the local BAS. It also enhances a Soldier’s continuity of care, allowing them to see the same provider and not to be bounced from provider to provider at the post TMCs and hospitals.

    A provider from one of the units using MC4 in CONUS stated that with MC4, the relationship between patient and provider has been greatly improved. Many Soldiers had never had their injuries or illness properly treated because each time the patients were seen, it was by different providers.
  4. Use of AHLTA and AHLTA-T – AHLTA-T and AHLTA provide the exact same SOAP functionality, because AHLTA-T is a slightly scaled down version of AHLTA.
  5. Cost to Field and Support MC4 Systems – MC4's mission is to field, train and sustain the use of MC4 systems to FORSCOM units. MC4 is funded to carry out this mission.

April 23, 2009

While great credit should be given to all in our FORSCOM BAS environment who are "leaning forward in the foxhole" in an effort to bring EMRs to the level 1/BAS, I would advise caution going forward with MC4/AHLTA-T as the garrison solution.

This article fails to mention the fact that the 3,000 records so far generated are erroneously tagged as theater records and is therefore corrupting the theater surveillance data. Now that it is known that the records they are creating in CONUS are corrupting the theater data, why are they not being told to cease and desist until the bug is fixed? No mention of time delays of (3-5 days) before record is viewable through AHLTA at the MTF. Apparently the fact that the provider must log on to AHLTA CONUS remotely or a CHCS link in order to do ancillary orders or retrieve results is not an issue to them. No mention of the fact that what little functionality the MC4/AHLTA-T application offers can be offered at much lower expense and tremendously fewer technical challenges via a TMDS CoA (minimal SOAP note documentation); or the fact that far much greater functionality and patient safety on a single application can be offered via the ERA (Enterprise Remote Access) to the MTF sustaining base AHLTA application virtual desktop and still at far less cost and lesser technical support burden at the BAS level. No mention of the incredible cost that has been and will continued to be represented by the MC4 program in any environment.

Can MC4 please provide the cost for fielding to all BAS, the additional lifecycle refresh cost, the additional tech support cost, the cost to fix their software so it stops corrupting the theater surveillance data? How does this compare to the cost, functionality, tech support requirements, and other aspects of other solutions; particularly compared to the ERA solution which gives the provider the full functional access from any location on a government-furnished, CAC-enabled computer to the same EMR system they use from the TMC and MTF with no delay in data availability and continuity of care with a greater portion of the Service members’ longitudinal health record available on a single application.

Just a reality check.

April 22, 2009

Good luck with that CAISI connection. I believe 3ID will find that this interim solution is severely lacking. Until real connectivity using a real network infrastructure can be established, all EMR networks are severly hampered. I applaud the effort to bring an EMR to the BAS level and hope a real solution is implemented soon.

March 20, 2009

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