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Reserve CSH Training Sets & CRC

July 5, 2011 posted by Tracy Ellis

In May, MC4 participated in the 2011 Combat Support Hospital (CSH) Commanders and Associated Medical Units Conference in Reno, Nevada. Hosted annually by the Forces Command (FORSCOM) G-4 in conjunction with U.S. Army Reserve Command, the event provides a great forum to discuss hot button topics with CSH leadership. I thought I’d share some of the highlights.

First, MC4's MEDLOG shop set up a display featuring DCAM on the MC4 system. The exhibit gave deploying units a glimpse of the automated medical supply system used downrange. Then we briefed attendees on the high-level MC4 initiatives and support structure in place for deploying units. Overall, the revised MC4 training strategy of garrison use, exercise support, and warrior-focused training was well-received, as was the news that MC4 training is now formally available at CRC. We’ll provide more details on the efforts at CRC soon.

Another key topic discussed was whether or not we should issue MC4 training sets to Army Reserve CSHs. The feedback was mixed. CSHs preparing for deployment expressed an interest, while others remained hesitant because of constrained training schedules. In May 2010, an MC4 equipping policy released by Army MEDCOM enabled MC4 to begin providing active duty CSHs with training sets. The same option is available for Reserve CSHs if their schedules permit. Commanders are encouraged to request equipment and schedule training through our MC4 region support offices.

Thanks to FORSCOM G-4 for extending us an invitation to participate in the conference. We’re looking forward to presenting again next year!

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Only makes sense to train as you fight! Thanks for being proactive.

July 18, 2011

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