Healthy Behavior


A teen's backpack should not weigh more than 15% of what they weigh.

Other than the first year of life, there is no other developmental period during which individuals grow more than during the period of adolescence.[1]  These years are the time to form positive habits that will improve adolescents’ long-term health and wellbeing.  Three behaviors in particular will make a difference to support health into adulthood: eating a nutritious diet, being active, and getting a good night’s sleep.[2][3]  Unfortunately, a typical adolescent gets up to one-third  of their daily calories from fast food,[4] spends at least three hours a day in front of a TV or computer (for recreational use),[5] and sleeps fewer hours per night than they need.[6] Family factors, like siblings being active and support from parents, can help adolescents get and stay active.[7]


Resources on Nutrition in Adolescence

  • Let’s Move! is First Lady Michelle Obama’s initiative to reduce childhood obesity through healthier diets and exercise. Let’s Move! offers ideas for action for adolescents, parents, schools, clinicians, communities, faith-based institutions and more. 
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Communities Putting Prevention to Work Online Resource Center provides tools to support environmental changes that address obesity. These resources describe why environmental changes are at the heart of making healthy living easier, and how to execute those changes.
  • The U.S. Department of Agriculture has several sites dedicated to helping Americans improve their diets. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans includes age-specific recommendations about overall calorie consumption and individual nutrient intake. helps users put those guidelines into practice.
  • provides information on all foods and has a designated page with interactive learning tools for adolescents, and resources for parents and teachers (visit - then select “adolescents”).

Interested in talking with your teen about healthy behavior?  Click here for advice on how to talk about physical health 

Click here for more resources on healthy behavior and healthy eating

[1]Spear, B. A. (2002). Adolescent growth and development. J Am Diet Assoc, 102(3 Suppl), S23-29. from
[2]Willett, W. C. (2000). Diet and cancer. Oncologist, 5(5), 393-404.
[3]Spear, B. A. (2002). Adolescent growth and development. J Am Diet Assoc, 102(3 Suppl), S23-29. from
[4]Nielsen, S. J., Siega-Riz, A. M., & Popkin, B. M. (2002). Trends in food locations and sources among adolescents and young adults. Preventative Medicine, 35, 107-113.
[5]Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2009). Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS): Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved February 1, 2010, from
[6] Carskadon MA, M. J., Drake C. (2006). Sleep in America Poll: Sleep Foundation. Retrieved March 30, 2011, from
[7] Sallis, J. F., Prochaska, J. J., & Taylor, W. C. (2000). A review of correlates of physical activity of children and adolescents. Medicine and Science in Sports and Excercise, 32(5), 963-975.
Last updated: September 22, 2012