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Saltonstall-Kennedy Grant Program

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Financial Assistance for Research and Development Projects to Strengthen and Develop the U.S. Fishing Industry

NEW: The 2009 S-K Report to Congress (PDF) is now online!

Men working on boatAbout the Saltonstall-Kennedy Grant Program

The Saltonstall-Kennedy (S-K) Grant Program is a competitive program administered by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce. The program provides financial assistance (grants or cooperative agreements) for research and development projects to benefit the U.S. fishing industry. Projects that primarily involve business start-up or infrastructure development are not eligible for funding under the S-K Program. The program's statutory authority is the S-K Act, as amended (15 U.S.C. 713c-3).

NMFS solicits proposals through a notice published in the Federal Register once during each year for which grant funds have been allocated or proposed. A PDF version of the most recent notice can be viewed at: Availability of Grant Funds for Fiscal Year 2010 . Please note that due to the lack of available funds NOAA will not be able to conduct a S-K competition for FY2011.

The Federal Funding Opportunity (FFO) describes the program priorities (which may vary from year to year), eligibility requirements, instructions and format for submitting proposals, and selection criteria. Cost sharing requirements may vary from year to year. By law, they may not exceed more than 50% of project costs. NMFS hopes to post a new S-K FFO for FY2012 by August of 2011.

Grant applications are reviewed for technical merit and for usefulness to stakeholders.  This input is used by the Assistant Administrator for Fisheries in making funding recommendations.

The NMFS Office of Management and Budget (F/MB) is responsible for administering the S-K Program. Further information may be obtained from the NMFS S-K Program Manager, Daniel Namur , at (301) 713-2259.

How to Apply

The application period for fiscal year 2010 is now closed for the Saltonstall-Kennedy Grant Program. On July 16, 2009, a Federal Register Notice was published for the FY2010 funding cycle. No competition was held for FY2011. To access the full funding announcements, required Federal forms, and to apply for a grant, please visit then search under CFDA # 11.427. The program provides financial assistance (grants or cooperative agreements) for research and development projects to benefit the U.S. fishing industry. Projects that primarily involve business start-up or infrastructure development are not eligible for funding under the S-K Program.

Annual Reports to Congress

NOTE: Reading some of these files on this page requires Adobe Acrobat Reader. Click here The previous link is an external site. for information on how to download this program.


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