SOCEUR 55-55

1955.  What happened in 1955?  Well, some interesting things as a matter of fact.  Eddie Van Halen was born (Diver Down is still one of my favorite albums!)  To Hell and Back, the true WWII story of Audie Murphy (the most decorated soldier from WWII) who starred as himself in the film, debuted.  And, of course, the Warsaw Pact was formed when the U.S.S.R., Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Albania, East Germany, Poland, Romania, and Bulgaria pledged the mutual defense of any member who was attacked.  Obviously, many, many other interesting things occurred in 1955, but I want to highlight something else that happened in Paris, France – maybe tangentially related to the debut of To Hell and Back combined with the formation of the Warsaw Pact and maybe not (but likely not at all related to the birth of Eddie Van Halen…but maybe…)   

On January 22, 1955 – yes, 55 years ago today – EUCOM’s Commander-in-Chief established Support Operations Command Europe in Paris to provide peacetime planning and operational control of special operations forces conducting unconventional warfare in the European Command area of responsibility. Colonel Buford Nyquist, the first of only two Air Force officers to lead the command (the second being the current commander, Major General Frank Kisner,) initially oversaw a crew of six military and eight CIA personnel (today the command numbers somewhere around 250 military personnel).

Later in 1955, the command was redesignated as Support Operations Task Force Europe and in 1967, based on France’s withdrawal from NATO, the command relocated from Paris to Panzer Kaserne near Stuttgart, Germany to better facilitate interaction with European Command.  One year later, the command relocated five miles down the road to its current location on Patch Barracks.  Then, on November 1st, 1983, the command assumed its current designation as Special Operations Command Europe.

SOCEUR’s operational focus during the 70s and 80s was greatly influenced by operations in Vietnam, the post-war defense budget drawdown, and Cold-War engagement.  With the fall of the Iron Curtain in 1990 and the disestablishment of the Warsaw Pact in 1991, the command redirected its focus.

SOCEUR and its components have since planned and executed special operations during Operations DESERT STORM, PROVIDE COMFORT and PROVIDE COMFORT II.  In addition, the command has executed many operations not as publicly well known such as SILVER ANVIL in Sierra Leone, ATLAS RESPONSE in Mozambique, ASSURED RESPONSE and SHADOW EXPRESS in Liberia, and FIRM RESPONSE in the Congo.  In the Balkans, SOCEUR forces participated in JOINT ENDEAVOR, JOINT GUARD and JOINT FORGE as well as both JOINT GUARDIAN and ALLIED FORCE in Kosovo.  Currently, SOCEUR forces contribute to both OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM and OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM in Afghanistan.

Looking back, SOCEUR has been involved with so much that has shaped Europe and Africa.  Although the command’s area of responsibility no longer includes Africa (newly formed SOCAFRICA now oversees special operations on the African continent), as we move further into the 21st century, SOCEUR will continue to provide the “point of the spear” for operations throughout the European theater.   As SOCEUR continues to engage with Allies and partners to prevent conflict, thwart terrorism, stem the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and respond to crises, we can look with awe at the past 55 years, and work diligently to ensure the next 55 are as successful!

MAJ Jim Gregory

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Comments: 4

by Jackie Pinkston on January 22, 2010 :

Really enjoyed the post and trip through memory lane. Thanks Jim

by Gloria Colon-Buzatu on January 22, 2010 :

Is there a SOCEUR 55th anniversary video posted for all to see?

by Lorie Warchol on January 22, 2010 :

Also, the Brooklyn Dodgers...finally beat the Yankees...Disney Land was opened and Albert Einstein Died....What a year! Great ceremony yesterday, Jim and great blog!

by Gunter G. Gillot Jr on February 4, 2010 :

Hmmm You forgot to say that on May 4th 1955 I was born ... :))) Gunter

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