Latest News

Fusion Advance
September 19, 2012
Technical advance brings breakeven fusion a step closer.
Gray arrow Article:  Wired
Gray arrow Forthcoming: Phys Rev Letters

Singing Black Holes
September 18, 2012
Dying tones of black holes reveal the cosmic crash that caused them to form.
Gray arrow Article:  Red Orbit
Gray arrow Forthcoming: Phys Rev Letters

Light isn't Dark Matter
September 15, 2012
If there's a massive particle related to the photon, it can't be the dark matter particle because its mass is too small.
Gray arrow Article:  New Scientist
Gray arrow Forthcoming: Phys Rev Letters

Tsunami Wave Shapes
September 13, 2012
The shapes of interacting waves could explain why some tsunamis are so devastating.
Gray arrow Article:  NBC News
Gray arrow Synopsis: Physics

Counting Photons with Frog Receptors
September 13, 2012
Photoreceptor cell from a frog's eye is an extremely sensitive detector that can count individual photons.
Gray arrow Article:  Physics Today
Gray arrow Viewpoint: Physics

Violating Heisenberg's Uncertainty
September 7, 2012
New experiments violate Heisenberg's original formulation of the uncertainty principle.
Gray arrow Article:  BBC News
Gray arrow Synopsis: Physics

Champagne Physics
September 18, 2012
A physicist studies what gives the Champagne its sparkle and tingle.
Gray arrow Article:  MNN News

APS Receives $3 Million

NSF Grant Encourages Minority PhDs
National Science Foundation recently awarded APS $3 million to launch the APS Bridge Program to increase the number of physics PhDs granted to underrepresented minorities (African American, Native American and Hispanic American).
Gray arrow APS Bridge Program

March Meeting Sessions

Abstract Submission Opens
March Meeting abstracts may be submitted online. Over 7,000 presentations are expected. Let yours be one! Several units are still accepting nominations from APS members for invited speakers.
Gray arrow Submitting Abstracts for March
Gray arrow Nominating Invited Speakers

Obama and Romney

Where Do They Stand on Science?
Science Debate with APS and many additional science organizations formulated 14 questions on the most pressing problems Americans face in health, science, and technology policy. You can see how President Barack Obama and candidate Mitt Romney answered these questions.
Gray arrow Candidates Answer Science Questions
Gray arrow About Science Debate Organization

APS Writes White House

Encouraging Productive Resolution
APS and other scientific societies, shared concerns regarding sequestration rash cuts with the White House, Senate and House.
Gray arrow Letter to the White House

Chinese Physical Society is 80

Well-Wishers from Around the Globe

Hundreds of physicists from dozens of countries met in Beijing, China, to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Chinese Physical Society (CPS).

Attendees at Joint Meeting of International Physical SocietiesCourtesy CPSAttendees, including APS President Bob Byer, in front of the old science building at Tsinghua University, where the CPS first met in 1932.
Gray arrow More Photos of the CPS Anniversary Celebration

APS Unit Newsletters

Gray arrow Fluid Dynamics
Gray arrow Texas Section
Gray arrow International Physics

Free Postdoc Webinar

Get advice in looking for and choosing postdoc positions.
Gray arrow Launching Postdoc Positions

Current APS Deadlines

Gray arrow Brazil-U.S. Travel: Nov. 16
Gray arrow India-U.S. Travel: Nov. 16

March Meeting
Gray arrow Abstract Submission: Nov. 9

APS Speaker Lists

APS maintains a searchable list of member physicists who are qualified to present on a variety of subjects. Search the list or enroll yourself.
Gray arrow Physics Speakers

Wavefront Newsletter

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