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Search Assistance - Real-Time

  Browse Recent Earthquake Listings

Recent Earthquakes: These maps show earthquake events recorded in the last 7 days. Click on an earthquake on one of the maps to zoom in. Once maximum zoom is attained, click on one of the colored boxes to see information on that specific earthquake. The maps are updated whenever a new earthquake has been located and once an hour.

Near-Real-Time Earthquake List: This list contains all earthquakes with magnitude greater than 2.5 located by the USGS and contributing networks in the last week (168 hours). The most recent earthquakes are at the top of the list.

Live Internet Seismic Server: This server brings in live seismic data, via the Internet, from seismographic stations around the world. This page provides links to live seismic data, current telemetry status and general and detailed information on the LISS.

Recent Earthquakes in California: Click on an earthquake on the map for a zoomed-in view. Maps are updated within 1-5 minutes of an earthquake or once an hour. Smaller earthquakes in southern California are added after human processing, which may take several hours.

  Browse Current Volcano Updates

Augustine Volcano Webcams: Two web cameras are watching this active Alaskan volcano. The Alaska Volcano Observatory also has cameras focused on two other restless volcanoes and maintains a series of webicorders displaying data from seismograph stations at a number of monitored volcanoes.

Cascade Volcano Observatory (CVO) Real-Time Monitoring Projects: CVO provides links to "real-time" data on the current eruption of Mount St. Helens and hydrologic conditions around the volcano.

Monitoring Long Valley Caldera, CA: The Long Valley Observatory monitors earthquakes, deformation, gas discharge, and hydrologic conditions at this restless caldera.

Volcanoes Hazards Updates: Activity reports for U.S. and Russian volcanoes are updated every 15 minutes if necessary.

VolcanoCams Around the World: The Cascades Volcano Observatory maintains a page of links to volcano webcams all over the planet. Mount Saint Helens is the first link on the list.

  Browse Real-Time Streamflow Data

Current Streamflow Conditions in the United States: Current-conditions data from selected surface-water, ground-water, and water-quality sites are typically recorded at 15-60 minute intervals, stored onsite, and then transmitted to USGS offices every 1 to 4 hours, depending on the data relay technique used. Recording and transmission times may be more frequent during critical events.

Monthly Average Streamflow Conditions: This monthly map shows the average streamflow conditions in hydrologic units of the United States and Puerto Rico for the past calendar month. The colors represent monthly average streamflow compared to percentiles of historical streamflow for the calendar month. Maps from previous months are also available.

Current Ground-water Conditions in Southern Florida: This symbol-coded site location map for southern Florida shows comparisons of the 7-day running means for daily water levels to the period of record distribution of daily water levels. The summary of conditions link above the map provides a north-to-south table of the data shown, including links to the site description pages. County- and aquifer-level pages are available via the links in the left column.

  Locate Current Wildfires

GeoMAC Wildfire Mapping: An Internet-based mapping tool to access online maps of current fire locations and perimeters in the conterminous 48 States and Alaska.

  Visit Other Real-Time Services

Geomagnetic Observations: Magnetometer data from the USGS observatories are available in two forms, ‘preliminary’ and ‘definitive’. Preliminary data are available in near-real time, but they are unprocessed, they have not been explicitly adjusted for long-term baseline drift, and they have not been cleaned of occasional spikes and step offsets. Having said that, preliminary data are reasonably good representations of field variation occurring over timescales shorter than a few days.

Landslide Monitoring: Scientists in the USGS Landslide Hazards Program monitor selected landslides and hillsides in order to learn more about the physical processes that trigger landslides or control their movement. Monitoring is essential to predicting the behavior of landslides and forecasting which storms can trigger large numbers of landslides. Continuous, real-time monitoring occurs at some sites and periodic monitoring occurs at others; the most recent measurements are provided on-line for a few of our monitoring sites.

Operation Crane Watch: The 21 sandhill cranes that have been monitored are displayed here. They were captured and radio-marked in the Platte Valley during March-April 1998-99 in the first two years of a planned 4-year study to gain a better understanding of several parameters important to management of the population.

Pintail Duck Migration: A team of waterfowl biologists with the U.S. Geological Survey's Western Ecological Research Center, Ducks Unlimited's Institute for Wetland and Waterfowl Research, and California Waterfowl Association, using private grants from the Tuscany Research Institute, is using satellite telemetry to track spring migration of female pintail ducks that winter in the Central Valley of California. We have added pintails in New Mexico and Texas.


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Page Last Modified: 08-Apr-2010, 15:58