Community Relations

News section 

Combat correspondence

Click on any link in this section for the latest news aboard MCAS Iwakuni.

Advertising and Coverage

To have a correspondent cover your event or to get it advertised, please send the information to the Public Affairs Office via e-mail ( or in person. All submissions will be screened for editorial content and clarity. In order to provide the best service, we recommend submission at least two weeks prior to your event. This request form will suffice for all avenues of distribution (Web site, American Forces Network, Channel 17, and Channel 21)

Public Affairs Office

Telephone numbers
DSN 253-5551
Commercial number within Japan: 0827-79-5551
Commercial number from the U.S.: 011-81-827-79-5551
Fax numbers
DSN 253-5554
Commercial number within Japan: 0827-79-5554
Commercial number from the U.S.: 011-81-827-79-5554