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For Release on December 12, 2011

Selective Service Article

"Unlocking the Door"

For More Information:

Pat Schuback

(703) 605-4105

WHAT:     A compelling article about the importance of Hispanic registration compliance and Latino Board Membership with the Selective Service System was authored by Albert Gonzales, National Commander for the GI Forum

It appeared in the December 2011, Latino Magazine.  Its publisher, Mr. Alfredo Estrada, (512) 483-1898 has authorized the article to be used by other outlets.  


Federal law requires virtually all men living in the U.S. to register with Selective Service within 30 days of their 18th birthday. Those who fail to register are ineligible for Federal student financial aid, job training, government employment, and U.S. citizenship for male immigrants.

Currently, 43 states, including three territories and the District of Columbia have enacted what is often called "Solomon-like" or "Thurmond-like" legislation linking a man's eligibility for state-funded higher education benefits or state jobs to the federal registration requirement. Additionally, many have passed laws linking a man's application for a driver's license or I.D. card with Selective Service registration. 

At the heart of the Selective Service System’s mission to maintain an alternative service program for men classified as conscientious objectors are 11,000 citizen volunteers, who make up Selective Service Local Boards nationwide.

Their mission, in the event the nation returns to a military draft, would be to review and decide in a fair and equitable manner, which registrants will receive deferments, postponements, or exemption from military service. The Local Boards should reflect the demographics of the constituents that would be served.

WHO:      Albert Gonzales is the National Commander of the American GI Forum (AGIF), a Congressionally chartered veterans and civil rights organization.  

Mr. Gonzales was appointed to the Selective Service National Appeals Board by President Obama on October 18, 2011.

He is a retired employee of Quest Communications, where he worked as a facility technician and manager from 1972 to 2004.  From 1975 to 1979, he served in the U.S. Air Force as an Air Traffic Controller.  Mr. Gonzales currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility.  He attended Eastern New Mexico University and the University of Colorado in Colorado Springs.


Link:       The Article Can Be Found Here

CONTACT:               Pat Schuback: (703) 605-4105.


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Last Updated December 12, 2011
©2011 Selective Service System