Army Strong Videos

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Racing Episode 3

Talking about how, both the Army and Racing team push to be the best.

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  • Racing Episode 01

    Drivers and crew members speak about the meaning of representing the U.S. Army.

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: Army Racing NASCAR NHRA

    Racing Episode 01
  • Racing Episode 02

    Drivers and crew members speak about fuel systems and related racing strategy.

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: Army Racing NASCAR NHRA

    Racing Episode 02
  • Racing Episode 03

    U.S. Army Racing Teams discuss the dangers they face on the job.

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: Army Racing NASCAR NHRA

    Racing Episode 03
  • Racing Episode 04

    U.S. Army Racing teams talk about race preparations and maintenance.

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: Army Racing NASCAR NHRA

    Racing Episode 04
  • Racing Episode 05

    The use simulators is an important part of winning the fight.

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: Army Racing NASCAR NHRA

    Racing Episode 05
  • Racing Episode 06

    U.S. Army Racing Team members discuss how people are the most important factor i...

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: Army Racing NASCAR NHRA

    Racing Episode 06
  • Racing Episode 07

    U.S. Army Race Teams take full advantage of the latest technologies.

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: Army Racing NASCAR NHRA

    Racing Episode 07
  • Racing Episode 08

    U.S. Army Race Teams discuss what it takes to win races.

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: Army Racing NASCAR NHRA

    Racing Episode 08
  • Racing Episode 09

    Communication and information systems have become a key factor in trying to win ...

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: Army Racing NASCAR NHRA

    Racing Episode 09
  • Racing Episode 10

    Proudly representing the the men and women that serve comes first for the U.S. A...

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: Army Racing NASCAR NHRA

    Racing Episode 10
  • NHRA Webisode 1

    Tony Schumacher and his Racing Team explain what they do to keep the team winnin...

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: Army Racing Dragster

    NHRA Webisode 1
  • NHRA Webisode 2

    Tony Schumacher and his Crew Chief explain what goes on behind the scenes.

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: Army Racing NHRA

    NHRA Webisode 2
  • NHRA Webisode 3

    Mike Green will take you for a tour around the race trailers.

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: Army Racing NHRA

    NHRA Webisode 3
  • NHRA Webisode 4

    Tony Schumacher and his Racing Team explain what they do to keep the team winnin...

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: Army Racing NHRA

    NHRA Webisode 4
  • NHRA Webisode 5

    Tony Schumacher and his Crew Chief explain what goes on behind the scenes.

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: Army Racing NHRA

    NHRA Webisode 5
  • NHRA Webisode 6

    Just like every airborne or special forces soldier checks their equipment every ...

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: NHRA Army Racing

    NHRA Webisode 6
  • NHRA Webisode 7

    Just like every airborne or special forces soldier checks their equipment every ...

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: NHRA Army Racing

    NHRA Webisode 7
  • NHRA Webisode 8

    Whether it's sunny or cloudy, hot, humid or rainy - the weather is key to how it...

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: NHRA Army Racing

    NHRA Webisode 8
Showing  of 

Racing Episode 3

Talking about how, both the Army and Racing team push to be the best.

Tony Schumacher: "We do not have that weak link. We push. One guy works extra hours; the next guy follows him and tries to beat him out. It's pretty awesome. It's an amazing machine to watch."
Ryan Newman: "Each individual on that team tries to do something to be better than that other individual that's on the other team."
Staff Sergeant - Kristopher Smith: "We rally ourselves with just motivation everybody motivates each other. We could have a bad day, a down day or we know we have a tough mission coming up and we all just motivate each other and try to do what we can do to accomplish the mission."
Ryan Newman: "No matter what, in NASCAR Racing you're always going to have to overcome some sort of obstacle whether it's another car traffic, bad pit stop."
SPECIALIST – Thomas Carter: "It means pushing yourself beyond your limits to find out what you can do and often times you're surprised at what you can do."
Ryan Newman: "There are always times you're gonna have to fight back or fight harder or pool your skills and become a stronger team."
SPECIALIST – Thomas Carter: "It's a lot of hard work, a lot of planning and preparation; you have to think about what you need to do and what needs to get done."
Sergeant - Dustin White: "Everything begins with planning and execution just comes, that's where you NCAs really step it up a notch and make it happen."
SPECIALIST – Thomas Carter: "There's a lot of moving parts for the missions that we do and there's a lot of different coordination that goes on."
Ryan Newman: "I think a lot of fans see it as, see racing as, what we do on a Sunday. When, in all actuality, it's a seven-day a week job. What we do before we get to the race track, how many people, here at our shop, have an influence on the way the car looks, what the car is doing, how the message is being sent out to the fans. There is a lot a lot of work that goes in to all of those things."
Tony Schumacher: "Over the years we've assembled the right group, the right people, we've trained them correctly, we're leading them in the right direction. They understand that we've won seven world championships and six in a row. We don't wanna be the team that doesn't get it done in the end, so we push. The best part is we don't have to push that hard because we're all pushing, we're all pushing in the same direction with a common goal and I think anybody that gets on a team of people that good pushing in the same direction, it's pretty much amazing what you can accomplish."
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