Army Strong Videos

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Racing Episode 7

The support of friends and family's makes for a better soldier and racer.

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  • Racing Episode 01

    Drivers and crew members speak about the meaning of representing the U.S. Army.

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: Army Racing NASCAR NHRA

    Racing Episode 01
  • Racing Episode 02

    Drivers and crew members speak about fuel systems and related racing strategy.

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: Army Racing NASCAR NHRA

    Racing Episode 02
  • Racing Episode 03

    U.S. Army Racing Teams discuss the dangers they face on the job.

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: Army Racing NASCAR NHRA

    Racing Episode 03
  • Racing Episode 04

    U.S. Army Racing teams talk about race preparations and maintenance.

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: Army Racing NASCAR NHRA

    Racing Episode 04
  • Racing Episode 05

    The use simulators is an important part of winning the fight.

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: Army Racing NASCAR NHRA

    Racing Episode 05
  • Racing Episode 06

    U.S. Army Racing Team members discuss how people are the most important factor i...

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: Army Racing NASCAR NHRA

    Racing Episode 06
  • Racing Episode 07

    U.S. Army Race Teams take full advantage of the latest technologies.

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: Army Racing NASCAR NHRA

    Racing Episode 07
  • Racing Episode 08

    U.S. Army Race Teams discuss what it takes to win races.

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: Army Racing NASCAR NHRA

    Racing Episode 08
  • Racing Episode 09

    Communication and information systems have become a key factor in trying to win ...

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: Army Racing NASCAR NHRA

    Racing Episode 09
  • Racing Episode 10

    Proudly representing the the men and women that serve comes first for the U.S. A...

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: Army Racing NASCAR NHRA

    Racing Episode 10
  • NHRA Webisode 1

    Tony Schumacher and his Racing Team explain what they do to keep the team winnin...

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: Army Racing Dragster

    NHRA Webisode 1
  • NHRA Webisode 2

    Tony Schumacher and his Crew Chief explain what goes on behind the scenes.

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: Army Racing NHRA

    NHRA Webisode 2
  • NHRA Webisode 3

    Mike Green will take you for a tour around the race trailers.

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: Army Racing NHRA

    NHRA Webisode 3
  • NHRA Webisode 4

    Tony Schumacher and his Racing Team explain what they do to keep the team winnin...

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: Army Racing NHRA

    NHRA Webisode 4
  • NHRA Webisode 5

    Tony Schumacher and his Crew Chief explain what goes on behind the scenes.

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: Army Racing NHRA

    NHRA Webisode 5
  • NHRA Webisode 6

    Just like every airborne or special forces soldier checks their equipment every ...

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: NHRA Army Racing

    NHRA Webisode 6
  • NHRA Webisode 7

    Just like every airborne or special forces soldier checks their equipment every ...

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: NHRA Army Racing

    NHRA Webisode 7
  • NHRA Webisode 8

    Whether it's sunny or cloudy, hot, humid or rainy - the weather is key to how it...

    CATEGORY: Racing

    TAGS: NHRA Army Racing

    NHRA Webisode 8
Showing  of 

Racing Episode 7

The support of friends and family's makes for a better soldier and racer.

Tony Schumacher: "Without family there would be no reason for me to be doing this so my goal in life wasn't to go out win as many championships my goal was to start a great family. And I have a wonderful three kids and a beautiful wife. If they do not support you there's just no reason to do this."
Specialist - Thomas Carter: "I know my family is behind me 100%. That if I ever had a problem they could help and they know that if I get deployed that they will be there if I need them."
Staff Sergeant - Kristopher Smith: "Family supports just by being supportive. I mean whether it's a phone call, a letter, if I'm away a letter, a care package, just words of encouragement just letting me know they are behind me 100% and they care."
Specialist - Nathan Miller: "They back me up 110%. They love what I do."
Staff Sergeant - David Rozmarin: "My mother was actually quite concerned when I joined the army, and she actually went to the recruiter with me and talked to the recruiter and the recruiter came out to my house a couple times and talked to her and explained exactly what my job was. And he did ensure her on it. He explained exactly what that job is. What that tanker does on a day-to-day basis. And she asked about other jobs that were available, but I had my heart set on being a tanker."
Ryan Newman: "I think the biggest challenge of having my family around me while I'm racing is what they worry about. They worry about me getting hurt. Worry about situations like that."
"I think my family has to understand were a little bit of a risk professionally. We're going 330 mph. They get it. My wife new what I was going to do long before we got married. We talked about it. We worked through it together. It's a lot like what the American soldier goes through."
"For soldiers that aren't married or their families live far away, we have family readiness groups that really get involved. Soldiers they get their information of training events or things that are going to happen, but they don't necessarily go home and distribute to their family. So I guess the FRG helps with the spread of information to the rest of their family."
"Nascar in itself is a big huge family. I think more so than any other sport out there. There's a lot of camaraderie there's a lot of, you know. Even though we compete against each other were good friends in our sport."
"Army is like a standard family. I met so many great people."
"People you meet in your job are quite often the people you hang out with. The people you spend with your time off with and it's a great way to make lasting friendships. I know, I met 3 or 4 people that I'm going to know forever. It's very different. We kind of have that brotherhood and you know I say sorry."
"There's nothing really like it I guess. It's a different type of friendship. It's more of a family bond than a friendship I guess."
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