DoDEA Europe Schools
Supporting Offices

Europe Schools
Student Transportation

Getting there and back again ... safely.

More Europe Supporting Offices:

Europe Schools
Teaching the children of America's military families

Student Transportation: Information for Newcomers

Student with moving boxes

Transportation to DoD schools in Europe is a lot like that in the United States, but with key operations and safety differences:

DoDDS-E does not own buses or employ drivers, but mainly contracts with host-nation commercial companies for transportation services. In a few communities, the military provides school bus service.

Buses are not the yellow vehicles familiar to American children, but European-style tour or transit coaches marked with the international school bus sign, front and back.

Drivers are not required to speak English, only the host-nation language. Buses are equipped with two-way communications, either radio or cellular telephone, linking drivers to the contractor's central control station.

Drivers are not responsible for enforcing good order and discipline on the bus. Their job is to operate the bus safely. Drivers will report infractions of the bus rules. Parents are responsible for their children's behavior on the bus.

Because even one child's misbehavior can interfere with safe operation of the bus and endanger everyone on board, disciplinary action on reported infractions may be taken, to include temporary suspension or permanent revocation from riding the bus. School transportation is a privilege, not a right or entitlement, and safety is paramount.

Local school bus operations are the responsibility of each DoDDS-E district. Each district has a District Transportation Supervisor who oversees the School Bus Office or "SBO" servicing each community. For operational questions, please contact your servicing SBO first. Phone numbers and email links are found under "Local School Transporters".