
About Partnerships

Building Partnerships

Partnership Tools



Partnership Links



National Fish and Wildlife Foundation



Building Partnerships

So You Want to Build A Partnership….
Strong partnerships are a cornerstone of the Service’s work and mission. The Service welcomes partners who share common goals and interests in conserving the nature of America.

Service partnerships with local municipalities, private landowners school groups, corporations and numerous other interests are important because natural resources do not recognize manmade boundaries and jurisdictions. Additionally, funding and other resource shortages affect all levels of government and society. Partnering can avoid duplication of effort, provide for pooling of scarce resources, and promote coordinated, focused and consistent mutual efforts toward conservation and outdoor recreation successes. The bottom line? Partnering makes sense!

The Service is eager to explore partnerships in recreation and natural resources management. Here’s how you can get started:

What is a partnership?
How do I get started?


Last updated: September 12, 2012