Soldier Life
Volunteer Work

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Lynnwood, WA
Army Position:
Public Affairs
Tampa Bay, FL
Civilian Job:
Non-Profit Organizer


Captain Jennifer Huntsman: I am Captain Jennifer Huntsman and I am in the Army Reserve. I'm a Public Affairs Officer. I do Public Relations; I do community events. I make sure that the military's involved in their community through volunteer work or just being involved period.

(Father) Jennifer was an absolute social butterfly when she was a child. She's always, always cared about other people but I would say it's more focused and more defined now.

I learned about Leadership in ROTC. I've always been kind of the type of person to sort of follow the crowd and it was time, it was kind of, one of those times in my life where I was forced to actually take command and actually go in front of all my peers and say 'hey, this is what we need to do, and this is how we're going to get something done' and from that I just was a lot more confident of myself.

(Father) We've had parents come to us and ask us about should their children go into an ROTC program and we always suggest that they go ahead and talk to the Army Reserve and see what the program has to offer for their kids cause we know it really benefited Jennifer. With the Army Reserve I think she's become very comfortable going anywhere, doing anything.

(Father) When she's not drilling and doing mobilizations and those kind of assignments, she's doing non-profit work.

(Mother) She learned time management and she learned to focus from the Army Reserve. With all the opportunities that were given to her.

My mom always wanted me to be independent, and my dad always wanted me to just enjoy life, to enjoy what I was doing.

(Father) What more does a parent want than for their children be happy. It???s clear to me that Jennifer is found that serving in the Army Reserve.

I get to be part of something bigger, than just myself.