Soldier Life
Jeff Davis

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Old Dominion University
Sports Management
ROTC fact:
A former high school athlete, Jeff enrolled in Army ROTC as a freshman at Old Dominion University.


A Day in the Life

Hi my name is Jeff Davis; I'm twenty-two years old. I'm a member here at Old Dominion Army ROTC monarch battalion. ROTC definitely puts a lot of focus on being a student first, and a cadet second.

My daily routine usually starts off at six in the morning when I go to PT and then I got to class around eleven to one, and after I leave class I go to the weight room for about an hour and a half.

Yes you have a commitment but your whole life isn't focused around being an ROTC cadet. My best friends outside ROTC are definitely all of my roommates, James, Joseph and Jeremy. James, I've been together with him since second grade.

We go way back, through elementary school, high school, and now college. Of course with the whole ROTC thing, he gives a hundred percent to everything he does.

Jeff is one of those kind of guys that you just love to have around. Always has a smile on his face, just enjoys being here, wearing the uniform, and being part of the program.

ROTC has definitely enhanced my leadership skills and my people skills, it just helps you become a better person overall. Even if you didn't want to go in to the military, if you were just desiring to be a well-rounded person who's confident, the ROTC is definitely the way to go.