Soldier Life
Captain Kevin Gormley - Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner

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Don't try to convince CPT Gormley there's any other program that measures up to the Army Nurse Corps. And it's not just because of the groundbreaking research and advanced technology. "The Army's focus is on the family," he says. "They get it."


Building Leadership Skills

My name is Captain Kevin Gormley and I am the new Commander of the 98th Combat Stress Control Detachment within the 62nd Medical Brigade at Fort Lewis, Washington.

The team approach that I saw when I came in, made me think, "There's something special here and I want to be a part of this."

I can't find any other program out there that has compared to the program we have within the Army Nurse Corps and it continues to get better.

I never knew that the United States Army was so far advanced in the research of many of the different areas that we practice in. To be a part of that groundbreaking research before it hits the rest of the world, is amazing. I would never have experienced this in a civilian nursing job.

The Army's focus is on the family and the Soldier. And they get it. They understand that the family is an extension of the Soldier.

I am a commander of a combat stress detachment now. Five or six years ago, it was unheard of for nurses to be commanders.

The Army makes it possible to step into any leadership position and be successful.

There is no organization in my opinion, that is any better than the Army Nurse Corps in mentoring and nurturing nurses and soldiers to be the best. The opportunities are there. The experiences are second to none and it's turned out to be something much greater than I ever anticipated.