Soldier Life
Army Position:
Fort Meade, MD

"Hello. My name is Jasmin DeGuzman. And I'm proud to be a general dentist and Officer in the United States Army. Where do I start? I love the Army. It's just been a wonderful thing for me and my family. I'm able to have a strong relationship with my husband and the kids, help provide for them and be happy doing it.

And Army dentistry offers so many opportunities. You can do administration, run a dental clinic, teach, be in academia and get board certified. You can make a difference doing much more than working on a patient's teeth. For instance, next week I'll be going to Augusta, Georgia to attend an endodontic short program. Then I'll go to Bethesda, Maryland for a forensic dental identification work shop. I'll be taking the Captain's career course. I'm broadening my skills before I narrow it down. And the senior Officers are so helpful, as mentors and sharing their experience. There is really no limit to what you can do with a career in AMEDD.

I earn a month's paid leave every year, so there's time to enjoy the recreational facilities on base and travel. We enjoy the gym, the golf course and theatre – and the base has really neat activities. They put together carnivals and festivals for the Soldiers and. . . did I say I love the Army?"