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» FERC Organization Chart

A brief description of all the offices within FERC is provided below, as well as links to more detailed information about each office. For a detailed list of contacts please visit the "Contact Us" page.

Offices/Organizations Acronyms Descriptions
Office of Administrative Law Judges ALJ Resolve contested cases as directed by the Commission effectively, efficiently and expeditiously, either through impartial hearing and decision or through negotiated settlement, ensuring that the rights of all parties are preserved.
Office of Administrative Litigation OAL Litigates or otherwise resolves cases set for hearing. Represent the public interest and seek to litigate or settle cases in a timely, efficient and equitable manner while ensuring the outcomes are consistent with Commission policy.
Office of Electric Reliability OER Oversees the development and review of mandatory reliability and security standards. Ensures compliance with the approved mandatory standards by the users, owners, and operators of the bulk power system.
Office of Energy Market Regulation OEMR Analyzes filings submitted by electric utilities, and natural gas and oil pipelines to ensure that rates, terms and conditions of service are just and reasonable and not unduly discriminatory or preferential. Provides support to the Commission on matters involving market design relating to electric, natural gas, and oil pipeline services.
Office of Energy Policy and Innovation OEPI Issues, coordinates, and develops proposed policy reforms to address emerging issues affecting wholesale and interstate energy markets, including such areas as climate change, the integration of renewable resources, and the deployment of demand response and distributed resources, smart grid and other advanced technologies.
Office of Energy Projects OEP Foster economic and environmental benefits for the nation through the approval and oversight of hydroelectric and natural gas pipeline energy projects that are in the public interest.
Office of Enforcement OE Serves the public interest by guiding the evolution and operation of energy markets to ensure effective regulation and protecting customers through understanding markets and their regulation, timely identifying and remedying market problems, assuring compliance with rules and regulations, and detecting and crafting penalties to address market manipulation.
Office of External Affairs OEA OEA is responsible for communications and public relations of the Commission. OEA provides informational and educational services to Congress; federal, state and local governments; the news media and the public; and regulated industries, consumer and public interest groups. This office also is the Commission’s liaison with foreign governments.
Office of the Executive Director OED Provides administrative support services to the Commission including human resources, procurement, information technology, organizational management, financial, logistics and others.
Office of the General Counsel OGC Provide legal services to the Commission. OGC represents the Commission before the courts and Congress and is responsible for the legal aspects of the Commission’s activities.
Office of the Secretary OSEC The Secretary of the Commission serves as the official focal point through which all filings are made for all proceedings before the Commission, notices of proceedings are given, and from which all official actions are issued by the Commission. The Secretary promulgates and publishes all orders, rules, and regulations of the Commission and prescribes the issuance date for these unless such date is prescribed by the Commission.

FERC Organization Chart
(Note: Click for larger image)

FERC Organization Chart

Commission Members Office of Administrative Law Judges Office of the Executive Director Office of External Affairs Office of Administrative Litigation Office of the General Counsel Office of Enforcement Office of Energy Markets and Reliability Office of Energy Projects

Updated: June 8, 2012